East Borneo - East Kalimantan

East Kalimantan is the widest province in Indonesia, broadly region is about 245,237.80 Km2 or about one a half point of Java Island and Madura or 11 % from Indonesia region wide total. Located of the province is located on Kalimantan Island (Borneo). The capital province in Samarinda City. This province abuts on direct with neighboring state, that is Sabah and Serawak, East Malaysia.
East Kalimantan Province consists of 7 Regencies and 3 Cities, now there is one city and three regencies split into the own province is North Kalimantan Province, the province of North Kalimantan officially authorized by the meeting Plenary House of Representatives on October 25, 2012 under Law No. 20 of 2012, but will stand fully begin in 2015.
Here is a list of Regency and City be included into East Kalimantan Province is as follow:
1. Berau Regency
2. Kutai Barat Regency
3. Kutai Kartanegara Regency
4. Kutai Timur Regency
5. Mahakam Ulu Regency
6. Paser Regency
7. Penajam Paser Utara Regency
8. Balikpapan City
9. Bontang City
10. Samarinda City
The Regency and City be included into North Kalimantan Province is as follows:
1. Bulungan Regency
2. Malinau Regency
3. Nunukan Regency
4. Tana Tidung Regency
5. Tarakan City
East Kalimantan Resident in 2004 amount to 2.750.369 men in 2005 East Kalimantan residents is predicted amount to 2,8 million men. It is compared to region wide, East Kalimantan Province has low density, that is mean about 11,22 men per Km2.
The main result of this province is mining products like oil, natural gas, and stone smoldered. Other sector being grow is agricultural and tourism. East Kalimantan has the tourism objects such as:
1. Derawan Archipelago in Berau,
2. Bukit Bangkirai in Kutai Kartanegara,
3. Unmul Botanical Garden in Samarinda,
4. The Crocodile Breeding in Balikpapan,
5. The Deer Breeding in Penajam,
6. Dayak Pampang Kampong in Samarinda,
7. and more.

Another Famous Derawan: Sangalaki Island
Sangalaki Island is a small island covering an area of 15.9 hectares. This island is one of the islands that are part of Derawan Archipelago. Derawan Islands is a group of islands famous in the world. Aside from Sangalaki Island, another famous island of Derawan Islands are Kakaban and Derawan Island. Sangalaki Island located in the waters of the northern peninsula of Berau. Administratively, Sangalaki Island located in Berau Regency of East Kalimantan Province. Most sea turtles in the world are an endangered species. That includes species hawksbill and green…
Maratua Island, Berau – East Kalimantan
Maratua island is one of the outer islands in Indonesia that located in Sulawesi Ocean and it bordered with Malaysia. Maratua island is administratively located on Berau regency, East Kalimantan. Maratua is a small and long island, and it has sharply curve at the edge and it located at the south side of Tarakan city. Maratua Island is also part of Derawan Islands. By the strategic location and the richness of its marine, Maratua island is now popular by the Travelers from many countries. The tourists who give…
Bangkirai Hill, Balikpapan – East Borneo
Bangkirai Hill Bukit Bangkirai is a natural tourism area which is managed by PT. Inhutani I Unit I Balikpapan. This tourist area is located in Samboja District, Kutai regency, East Kalimantan. Bangkirai hill can be reached by traveling overland for 1.5 hours from the city of Balikpapan. This tour offers the charm of a tropical rain forest that is still natural, and facilitated with some infrastructures like restaurants, hall for meetings, a swimming pool and jungle cottage or cabin. In this area there is a canopy bridge along 64 m…
Bontang, Another Rich City
Bontang Bontang is a city in East Kalimantan province, Indonesia. The city is located about 120 kilometers from Samarinda, directly have border to the East Kutai regency in the north and west, Kutai Kartanegara regency in the south and Regency Makassar Strait in the east. In this city stand three large companies in different fields, Badak NGL (natural gas), East Kalimantan Fertilizer (fertilizer and ammonia), and Indominco Mandiri (Coal) and has a petrochemical industrial area called the Kaltim Industrial Estate. Bontang city itself is oriented in the industrial, services and…