Central Sulawesi Province

Settled on the heart of Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi become a very rich province in Indonesia for its culture regarding the 19 ethnic groups that live in that province with 22 languages taken from each ethnics. Nevertheless, Bahasa Indonesia is still the mother tongue to communicate with others. Beside the indigenous that live in Central Sulawesi, there are other immigrants from Bali, Java, East-Nusa Tenggara, West-Nusa Tenggara and other immigrants from Bugis, Makassar and Torajan ethnics.
At early begin, this province was the Government of the Kingdom which consists of 15 kingdoms under the leadership of some Kings, and had been known as Seven Kingdoms on the East and Eight Kingdoms on the West.
The capital of this province is Palu city. Palu is sits on Palu River at the head of a long, narrow bay. An Earthquake was happened in this city on January 24, 2005 with magnitude 6.2 Richter scale and become the national tragedy at that time. This city is consisting of 4 regencies apart, with some of tourism destinations that worth to be visit. Those tourism objects are, Dombu village, Lore Lindu national park, Lindu Lake Forest tourism object, Talise beach and some of historical site.
Agriculture is the main source of economic commodity in Central Sulawesi with rice as the main crop. While Coffee, coconut, cacao and cloves is a leading commercial crop of this area and the forest products are coming from rattan, several kinds of wood like Agatis, Ebony and Meranti.
Sulawesi is a unique border zone in the Asia Oceania region, where the flora and fauna are very different from the Flora and Fauna that commonly lives in Asia. This particular flora and fauna called as Wallacea for this theory was founded by Wallace, a British researcher who helped discover the theory of evolution with Darwin.
Type of animals from this island are, Anoa which is similar to Buffalo, Babirusa or babyrousa, one of pig family that has fang in their mouth, tertiary, a tonkena Sulawesi monkeys, possum marsupials and Maleo bird that lay the eggs on hot sand.

A Beautiful Hill That Always Makes You Miss Palu City
Palu City is the capital of Central Sulawesi Province. Geographically, Palu City is located on the plains of Palu valley and Palu bay so that its territory consists of five different landscapes such as mountains, valleys, rivers, bays, and oceans. Palu city has a beautiful hill called Bukit Perindu. The beauty of this hill always makes you miss the view of Palu. Always longing, as if the paragraph became a story, a charmer of the heart. Formerly the Perindu Hill called Sofa Hill was in Tanah Runtuh area. Lately it…
Here On Togean Islands
Togean Island Spread over a 90 km stretch in the middle of Tomini Bay, the winding, hilly coastlines and equatorial waters of the Togean Islands cast a magical spell of green, yellow and blue, in all the shades imaginable. The Togean or Togian Islands are an archipelago of 56 islands and islets, in the Gulf of Tomini, off the coast of Central Sulawesi, in Indonesia. The three largest islands are Batudaka, Togian, and Talatakoh. There are 37 villages on the islands. The dark green of the islands and the cristal…
Welcome Aboard To Tolitoli
Tolitoli Toli-Toli or Tolitoli regency is one of regencies in Central Sulawesi. The capital city is located in Tolitoli city. Under the Law no. 51 In 1999 this area is divided into two districts; Tolitoli as the parent district, and Buol District as a result of splitting the district. According to the folk legend, the name Tolitoli comes from the word Totolu, which means Three. Tolitoli nation comes from three heaven men who incarnates to earth through Olisan Bulan (Golden Bamboo), Bumbung Lanjat (Langsat Peak Tree), and Ue Saka (A…
The Exotic Palu And The Kaili
Palu City Palu is a city and also the capital city of Central Sulawesi province. Palu is divided into 4 Sub-district and 43 Kelurahan or the smaller area, it officially divided into West Palu, East Palu, North and South Palu. The most inhabitant who live in Palu is the indigenous of Kaili People, and some of minor ethnics like Bugis, Sangir, Makassar, Banjar, or Javanese. Kaili tribe inhabiting hereditary Palu valley area, Parigi, Tomini Bay, and coastal Tojo, Ampana, and Poso. To state “the Kaili” it mentioned in the Kaili…