Welcome to Gresik Regency

Gresik is located in west side of Surabaya distanced about 18 km, be industrial town with Semen Gresik factory which is famous in Indonesia, there is also big wood crafter home industry and build since 1976.
In this town there is Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim cemetery who is one of 9 holy men in Islam religion, first Islam spreader in East Java who pass away in 882 H or 1419 A.D and buried in Kampung Gapura Gresik.
About 2 km in South side of the town, precisely in Bukit Giri we can find Sunan Giri cemetery who is also one of 9 Islam spreader sponsors in Java. The commemoration ceremony of Sunan Giri’s died (Khol Sunan Giri) scheduled in calendar of East Java Tourism.
Besides, there is also Leran grave that is mother of Sunan Giri grave, which located in Leran village, Manyar about 8 km from Gersik town.
The other tourism objects including, Gapura Kanjeng Tumenggung Pusponegoro grave in Gapuro village, Makam Nyi Ageng Pinatih in Kebongson village, bat cave in Pongangan village, Tirta Agung swimming pool in Sidomoro village, a hall in Bawean island and source of hot water in Kota Kusuma village, Kastoba lake in Tambak village, Bhayangkara Diponggo beach in Diponggo village and marine park of Noko island in Daun village.
History Of Gresik Town
Gresik have known since 11-century ke-11 when it grew to become a center commerce that not only inter island, but also extended to many countries. As a commercial centre, Gresik many visited by Chinese, Arab, Gujarat, Calcutta, Siam, Bengali, Campa and others merchants. Gresik start coming up in regulation of history since had grow Islam in Java region. The Islam religion spreader is Syech Maulana Malik Ibrahim with Fatimah Binti Maimun came to Gresik in the early of 11 century.
Gresik regency has various fascination tourism objects such as: Tourism Object, which divided into 3 parts that is: nature tourism, cultural tourism, special enthusiasm tourism, tourism facilities support, tourism service and recreation and entertainment amusement of public at every area in Gresik regency.
Most of natural tourism resides in Bawean island, while other tourism spread over continent area. As result of visual data reportage and tourism object photograph as component of information of tourism support, which done by Gresik Government Tourism And Communication Service 2002, have yielded aggregate data and information about tourisms:
a. Tourism Object and Cultural Aspect in Gresik regency
b. Tourism Object and Natural Object in Gresik regency
c. Tourism Object and Special Enthusiasm Tourism in Gresik regency

Bawean Island
Bawean Island Pulau Bawean is an island that located approximately 150 km north of Surabaya, in the Java Sea, off the coast of Java. It is administratively part of Gresik Regency, East Java. It is approximately 15 km in diameter and is circumnavigated by a single narrow road. Bawean is dominated by an extinct volcano at its center that rises to 655 m above sea level. The island is populated for about 75,000 people, but more than 26,000 of them (that is about 70% of the male population) were temporarily…
Sedekah Bumi, The Traditional Thanksgiving And Offering
Sedekah Bumi Sedekah Bumi is a traditional ritual that still being held by some communities in East Java Province. This Sedekah Bumi is having different names in each region, but it has the same purpose either ways. Sedekah Bumi is kind of an offering and thanksgiving to the Earth or God, for the bountiful of harvest. The harvest can be either come from the fields or fisheries. The celebration of the Sedekah Bumi is different between one region to another. In Gresik, Sedekah Bumi is held during Zulkaidah month (Islamic…
Otak-Otak Bandeng Gresik
Otak-Otak Bandeng Gresik has some traditional foods that worth to try, like this food, otak-otak bandeng. Gresik otak-otak bandeng is different with otak-otak from Jakarta, West Java or Sumatra. This otak-otak is made by fresh milk fish. The meat is been taken from the inside of the fish without any bones. After the meat being flavored wit some spices, the meat paste is putted in inside of the fish again, then baked for some minutes. Those make the food special and particular. www.eastjava.com
Songkok From Gresik
Songkok Gresik is located in west side of Surabaya distanced about 18 km, be industrial town with Semen Gresik factory which is famous in Indonesia, there is also big wood crafter home industry and build since 1976. Gresik is rich in case of its tourism destinations. Meanwhile, the industrial sectors are also significantly increase relating the industrial area are mostly located in Gresik. Moreover, Gresik is also have some home industrial which is concern to the making of Peci. Peci or Songkok is an identical Indonesian male hat, which is…