Fakfak As The Nutmeg City
Fakfak Regency is one of the regencies in West Papua Province, Indonesia. The regency capital is located in Fakfak City. This regency is famous for its palms and has been called as the "Nutmeg City". Its capital, Fakfak city, is one of the oldest cities in Papua. Fakfak Regency, West Papua Province is located in the southern part of the bird's head. Its location is very strategic because it has a hub with Ambon City which is relatively shorter than other cities on the island of Papua.
The tourism potential in Fakfak Regency has not been touched by investors both from within and outside the country. Interesting tourist objects to visit as a tourism place are:
- Ubadari Village (water source)
- Kokas District with unspoiled views of the bay and island
- Japanese heritage cave during World War II
- The Kokas Archaeological Site or by the local community usually called Tapurarang. It is the megalithic relics of the cave walls
- Patimburak Old Mosque as the oldest mosque in Papua which was founded in 1870
- Kayuni Waterfall in Kayuni Village, Kramomongga District
- Kiti Kiti Waterfall in Karas District
- Maredred Waterfall in Sakartemin Village, East Fakfak District
- Ubadari Waterfall in Ubadari Village, Kramomongga District
- Tagor Waterfall in Mambuni-buni Village, Kokas District
- Wayob Beach on Fakfak Panjang Island
- The Krapangit Gewab statue on Tubir Seram Island
- Teluk Toran in Karas District