Koja Doi Village is located in East Alok sub-district, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Visitors can access this village by boat with a travel time of about 40 minutes from Nangahale Harbor. Koja Doi is one of the tourist villages that won the Indonesia Sustainable Tourism Award (ISTA) from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy. This village offers marine tourism, nature tourism, and cultural tourism.
Koja Doi Village has several spot to visit, such as the site of the 1992 tsunami, a stone bridge, ancient rock hills, and a cultural studio. Tourists can also visit the production process of woven fabrics typical of Koja Doi Village. This village is so unique. One of the uniqueness of Koja Doi is: there are no land motorized vehicles. Local people usually travel by foot or by boat and canoe.
The Flores area was hit by an earthquake and tsunami on December 12, 1992. The former tsunami can be seen today in Koja Doi village. Visitors will find the foundations of former buildings that were destroyed by this disaster. This site is a reminder for the next generation of the enormity of the disaster.
Balumpa dance is a traditional dance from Koja Doi Village which is used to welcome guests or tourists. This dance presents a blend of Maluku and Buton culture. Tourists can also learn to dance at the Koja Doi Village cultural studio. The studio is managed by local people who are always ready whenever tourists come.
One of the typical crafts of Koja Doi is woven cloth. This craft is made by local people with traditional tools. The process of making this woven cloth can take about four days to one week. The characteristic of the woven fabric is the pattern comes from Buton area. It’s all bright colors. Not only that, visitors can also design their own patterns and colors of the woven fabric. Craftsmen in Koja Doi Village, can make woven fabrics according to the tastes and orders of buyers.
The Koja Doi village is famous for having a stone bridge that connects the village with Koja Besar Island. This stone bridge is the only land access to Koja Besar Village. The stone bridge, which was made in mutual cooperation, up to 680 meters length. This unique bridge was built by the community in 1987. Visitors can fish, can also take photos, and sit back here. Depends on the situation and conditions. Visitors can also enjoy the sunrise and the sunset.