Petik laut ceremony is an annual ceremony which is held by the Situbondo fisherman as a thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bless and kindness from the harvest sea times and safety during fishing time regarding the storm and blizzard. This ritual is always being attended by thousand fisherman groups, especially from Panarukan. The ceremony itself is nowadays become more modern, starring by artists, traditional performances, music performances, Dangdut orchestra and Gandrung Banyuwangi. There is also “Pengajian” competion, games and sort of. The main ritual from “Petik Laut” Ceremony is…
Category: East Java Event
Majapahit Temple and statue has been rediscovered in Nganjuk
At the end of January 2016 ago, building temples like and three ancient statues have been found at excavation site that belonged to Nurul Wakhid (50) in the village of Banjarsari, District Ngronggot, Nganjuk, East Java. Buildings with a length of 2.7 meters, 2.1 meters wide and 1.7 meters high, is made of red bricks. Looking at the shape that similar to temple, the building is allegedly made during the Majapahit Kingdom that was used as a place of worship at the time. The people discovering at the center…
Schedule Of Bull Race Madura 2015
The Latest Schedule of Bull Race Madura (Kerapan Sapi) 2015 Agility contest bull racing is competition awaited by many people, especially for those who want to find entertainment in holiday or the photographers who want to capture fast movement of bull running from the line start to finish. Besides the visitors who wants to know the original tradition of Madura is from a variety of locations ranging from local to foreign tourists gather together to watch the racing pairs of cows. Various classes of Bull Race divided into several versions…
Jember Fashion Carnaval 2015 (JFC), Jember – Indonesia
Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) 2015 Since first launched on January 1, 2003, Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) continues to evolve into the most famous fashion festival in Indonesia. Jember Fashion Carnaval is an event fashion street carnival with costumes and extreme creative makeup in catwalk along the 3.6 km. JFC followed by more than 2,000 participants, ranging from kindergarten, junior high school, senior high school, university, and public participants. All participants design, financing, making, and demonstrate their own costumes and competed between participants. All participants before will follow in-house training which…
In order to support Visit Probolinggo City Program, Impressive City, the government of Probolinggo City in the near future will hold a tourism event, namely SEMIPRO (Seminggu di Kota Probolinggo). Named SEMIPRO because there are a series of cultural events, competition/ festival, cultural parade, entertainment and exhibition became a superior performance that will be presented for a full week. The hope tourists can enjoy a variety of tourist attraction in the SEMIPRO event. The long of stay of tourists in Probolinggo City becomes longer, so that the velocity of economic…
Schedule of SEMIPRO August 28 – September 5, 2015
Following up on a letter from the Governor of East Java on Digital Marketing Tourism East Java, we submit the following data update of SEMIPRO tourism event (A week in Probolinggo City) form a complete schedule of tourism activities for a week. In the promotion through the website Schedule of SEMIPRO 28 August – 5 September 2015 No. Name of Activity Date Time Location 1 Drum Band Parade for TK/SD/MI 22 August 06.30 wib Kantor Walikota 2 Goat Race 22-23 August 08.00 wib Lap. Fortuna, Triwung Kidul 3…
East Java On September 2012
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java. It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local…
East Java On July 2012
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 are contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java. It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the…
East Java On June 2012
The East Java’s Calendar of Events 2012 contains the schedule of some traditional ceremonies, traditions, festivals and performances which held in the cities and the regencies in East Java. It is designed to promote and to publicize the tourism agenda in the whole area in East Java. It is important to inform that the local communities usually determine the schedules of the ceremonial events by using the calendars of Javanese, Moslem, and Hindu Tenggerese. Therefore, to assure the exact date of the events, it is advisable to confirm the local…
The Crowd In Ledug Suro Ceremony
Ledug Suro Ledug suro is one of annual ceremonial that being held in some regencies in each province in Indonesia. Each provinces are having different names but have the same purpose. This Ledug Suro is particularly known for Magetan Regency. Ledug Suro is having purpose to celebrate the year of Saka, which starting on 1st Suro. The word Ledug Suro is taken by Lesung Suro and Bedug Muharam (Ledhug), which is drum that continually and it is been combined by the sound of gong and more instruments that make unique…