Compared to other areas in the vicinity, one of the attractions in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra has a higher contour, about 27 feet above sea level, and is touted as the highest position in the city. However, rather it is a privilege Siguntang Hill.
Log into the region, people may think that this place is a garden complete with shady trees and benches that can be used to spend the day. But who would have thought if the Mount Siguntang is an important historic place, especially for Palembang.
For local communities, regions located in the Village of Old Hill, Palembang is still considered sacred. It is given in this place that was buried some important figures of the royal era.
These figures include, Dadar Flower Princess, Princess Hair Selako, Yellow great Commander, Chief of Fire King of rock, even a mention in here that Alexander the Great was buried.
The story of the journey of this Macedonian king, according to the version of the Malay folklore is the story of King Alexander or also often called the Prince of The Nature trepidation that her name on a gravestone in the Mount Siguntang. The name of Alexander may be adopted locally because of the strong influence of Greece to Asia.
The discovery of a statue of Buddha in 1929 around the hill reinforces this place as a part of important history in Palembang. Derived from the eleventh century BC, the statue is now placed in the Museum of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II.
To be able to see the tombs that were there, every visitor has to walk a few steps and then look around around the grave that is located adjacent and sembayang place for those who make pilgrimages.
While for those who simply want to travel and see the other side of the city of Palembang, this place is worth to go, remember this is where everyone can see the panoramic view from the heights of Palembang.