Luxurious and quiet. Perhaps this is one of the appropriate nicknames for the calm and spacious beauty of Zamrud Lake. The lake which located in conservation area is located in Siak Sri Indrapura Regency, Riau province. Besides having a large surface, this lake also has islands. There are large and small islands. Uniquely, these islands can move. This island is marshland floating above the lake. Big and deep, of course. You can not imagine how deep this lake is.
Not only that. On this big island also live thousands of big bats and small bats. To reach the island, you could go by a boat and following a small river, then turning to the wide lake and clapping your hands, then the magic will come trus. Right above our faces, thousands of bats will fly.
Another feature of Zamrud Lake is that this lake is the most beautiful home for arowana fish. But it was. Day by day, the population of the fish is getting lost. Todays, the exist fish is red tapah fish. The fish are bigs. No wonder this lake, besides being a source of animal life, is also a source of life for fishermen.
The dusk on the Zamrud Lake is also amazing. The reflection of the orange sun light, will make you to stay on the boat for hours, until it was completely dark and returned to the basecamp of the quiet swamp riverbank.