With Different Ingredients, This Culinary Is Popular in Indonesia

Indonesian culinary has a variety of flavors and ways of serving. Although some of them use the same mixture of ingredients, the presentation is different.

Mixed vegetables with the peanut sauce
Gado-gado is a food menu that uses a variety of vegetables with peanut sauce. This food is identical and typical to Betawi, which is served with peanut sauce – pounded with salt and brown sugar. Various vegetables are then mixed with peanut sauce in a pestle. But in Surabaya there is also gado-gado. Although the mixture of vegetables used is almost the same, the way to serve the spices is different. Surabaya Gado-Gado Peanut Seasoning is served by pouring it. The menu is stewed cabbage, long beans, bean sprouts. Sometimes there are also those who add boiled eggs. There are also additional fried tempeh and tofu. Gado-gado is a food that is easy to find, especially at street vendors.

Pecel is a traditional Javanese culinary which also uses the main ingredients of vegetables. Pecel is a food that is easy to find when visiting Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java.

The vegetable pecel mixture is almost similar to gado-gado, but usually someone uses additional cassava leaf stew. Peanut sauce is the main spice for eating pecel. The ingredients used to make spices are peanuts, kencur, brown sugar, chilies, lime leaves, garlic, tamarind.

Urap is a food with a mixture of vegetables including long beans, bean sprouts, cabbage, spinach, kale. The seasoning used for the ointment is a sprinkling of grated coconut.

Grated coconut as a flavor enhancer is mixed with shallots, garlic, kencur, red chilies, tamarind, salt, palm sugar. All ingredients are mashed to flavor the grated coconut. Urap is a vegetable food that is easy to make because the way to cook the seasonings is not that complicated.

Asinan Betawi
Asinan Betawi uses vegetables from the Betawi people from Jakarta. The vegetables used are mustard greens, cabbage, bean sprouts, lettuce. All of the ingredients have gone through the salting process. This food is served using peanut sauce mixed with vinegar and chili. There are additional yellow noodle crackers and fried peanuts.

Asinan cuisine is not only known as a typical Betawi dish. There is also pickled Bogor, but different ingredients are used and the way it is served. Asinan Bogor is the salting of fruits, including mango, guava, kedondong, jicama, pineapple. Asinan Bogor is eaten with vinegar sauce that is mixed with sour, sweet, spicy flavors. There is also a mixture of fried peanuts.


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