Purwodadi Botanical Garden

Purwodadi Botanic Garden

Purwodadi Botanic Garden is located at Purwodadi, in the countryside of Pasuruan, East Java and is situated on the main road which connects three cities in East Java, which is Malang, Surabaya and Pasuruan. It is about 24 km from Malang, 30 km from Pasuruan and 70 km from Surabaya. It covers an area of 85 ha which is at an altitude of about 300 m above sea level.

Purwodadi Botanic Garden was established in 1939 by Dr D.F. van Slooten, as one of three branches of the Indonesian Botanic Gardens.

In this area visitor can see numbers collections of scare and dry plant. Beside, this Botanical Garden is also place for recreation and reservation area for botanical research.

The main gate of Purwodadi Botanic Garden was built using the architecture of Penataran Temple and is typically to East Java historical site. After entering the gate, we are now on the main road of the garden. The road divides the garden into two regions, namely Region I and Region II.

There are some areas that you can visit, they are:

– Palm area
– Mexican Park
– Pond Area
– Fern Collection
– Fabaceae Collection
– Bamboo Collection
– Garcinia Lawn
– Bungur Avenue
– Orchid Collection and Nuresery
– Arboretum
– Banana Collection

Purwodadi is open start on 7 am to 4 pm on Monday to Sunday
while you visiting the garden there are also some rules that you have to obey, in case of preservation things.

Enjoy your green holiday, dear visitors…

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