Excellent Bondowoso

Tape, Bondowoso Traditional Food


Bondowoso is other regency in East Java. Located in the Eastern part on Java Island.

Bondowoso is divided into three regions: western region is mountainous which is part of the Mountains Iyang, the middle part is about plateau and undulating, while the eastern part is mountains (part of the Ijen Plateau). Bondowoso is the only district in the horseshoe area which has no coastline.

The local inhabitant that live in Bondowoso is about Javanese people, but Bondowoso has affected by various culture that live before Dutch colonialism, which is Arab ethnic. They mostly live on Kampung Arab or Arabic town.

Bondowoso is famous by its traditional food of Tape. Tape is such a fermented cassava, its sweet, its soft and delicious.

Beside the food, bondowoso is having much more tourism destination that ready to be explore more. The mountains, the historical sites and waterfalls. All are excellent….

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