Location of Sekumpul Waterfall

Sekumpul Waterfall is situated at Sekumpul Village, Sawan sub-district, Buleleng Regency, North Bali. The location is around 20 km from Singaraja City (it takes around 1 hour), 76 km from Denpasar which is can be reach around 2.5 hours and 3 hours from Kuta. Because of the location is far, you are suggested to drive a motorcycle or rent a car with a driver.

If you want to visit Sekumpul Waterfall and trekking, you can go there in the morning. The perfect time is around 07.00 – 08.00. You may curious to know why you have to go there so early. The reason is because the opportunity to get rain in the morning is lower than evening. If you are unlucky and meet the rain, the access will be slippery and you have to be more careful. Now you can estimate at what time you have to start your journey from Denpasar or Singaraja City.

However, you don’t want to get up so early in the morning, you can stay overnight at Hotel Omunity Sujadi Bali. Then, you can start trekking to Sekumpul Waterfall from there in the next day. If you start you travel from Omunity Hotel, you have to prepare a motorcycle first. The distance is around 4 km. The access to the waterfall is steep and serpentine. Before you start trekking, you have to go down through the stairs and pay for the entrance ticket IDR2k for local and IDR5k for foreign.