
Yogyakarta is known as the city of Gudeg. Gudeg is one of traditional food made from young jackfruit or in the Java language known as gori. Gori is cooked with spices coconut milk that rich in spices and then cooked until it soaking dry.
Common gudeg will be presented along with spicy cowhide, eggs, tofu, tempeh, chicken curry to chicken bacem (slow cooking chicken). This Culinary is very easy to find in every corner of the city of Yogyakarta.


Brongkos is made from tofu, tempeh, and beans (kacang Tolo) that combined with thick coconut milk and fresh meat broth. Because it uses coconut keluwak (Javanese spice) in its milk sauce, it makes the broth has black color. The taste is quite sweet, savory and spicy at the same time.

Mangut Lele

Has become typical food Mataraman like Yogyakarta and Solo Palace to Semarang and Kendal, Mangut Lele or dazed catfish is the other menu that you can try while in Yogyakarta. The main ingredient is taken from the catfish that pierced in coconut leaf midrib and roasted on the stove using firewood.

Once it cooked then the catfish is cooked again in a spicy coconut milk and filled with a variety of spices. It feels very rich and taste savory, sour and spicy.