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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Babi Island, Beautiful Island in Belitung

    Babi Island, Pig Island or called Kepayang Island is one of destination tourism in Belitung Island. This beautiful island adjacent to Lengkuas Island at Bangka Belitung Province. Even, you can see its island clearly from Lengkuas and vice-versa. Babi Island has white sand with granite rocks, palm trees, grassland and become one of tourist destination in Belitung Island. The island is situated at northern Belitung Island, not too far from Tanjung Kelayang Beach or Tanjung Tinggi and it will take 20 to 30 minutes. There are two stories of Babi Island. First, long time ago there was a pig farming and the second version said if there was a big granite rock resemble to a pig.

    That is why people call the island as Babi Island. But, if you come there, you will never see any pig. Actually the Babi Island has 2 islands, Babi Besar Island and Babi Kecil Island, where these islands are adjacent to one another. With beautiful scenery, it will be so much easy for you to find fishes swimming around the reef and visitors love to stay longer in the island. Unfortunately, there are few facilities to support visitors because it is an inhabitant island.

    The most favorite activity is snorkeling because visitors can see various fishes in the shallow water. But the fishes tend to shy and not aggressive. After snorkeling, you can go to Gosong Island. The island is consist sand dune in the middle of ocean and standing alone. If the tide of water high the island will disappear. If you are lucky, you can find starfish there. As you know, many tour package in Bangka Belitung Island almost recommended of Babi Island as the tourist destination.
    Last edited by d'blitz; 28-04-2015 at 12:26.

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