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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Cipari Ancient Site, Kuningan - West Java

    Cipari Ancient Site is a megalithic era sites of the people who living in the Sunda Besar land (including Sumatra, Java, and Borneo and the ocean that connects those three islands in ancient times, about 10,000 years ago).

    This site was first discovered in 1972, in the form of a burial complex. The location is located in Kampung Cipari, Cigugur Village, District Cigugur, Kuningan regency, West Java.

    This site is showing the depicts the life of society at that time in comparative way. The location of this site is now becomes a tourist destination, which is a Archaeological Park of Cipari, and it equipped with a museum.
    Last edited by sunshine; 10-12-2014 at 09:34.
    Indonesia Welcoming The World

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