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  1. #1

    Taman Sari Gunongan, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam - Indonesia

    Gunongan is part of a larger complex, namely Park Ghairah, which is part of the palace garden. Gunongan founded around the 16th century during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda.

    The details of the part of the Taman Sari Gunongan it is:

    Gunongan stands 9.5 meters high, depicting a flower that was built in three levels. The first level is located above ground and crowned the highest level of a pole standing in the center bangunan.Keseluruhan Gunongan shape is octagonal (eight sided). South porch is a short hallway, closed the gates of the buffer up into the mountains.

    Penterana stone carved in the form of a stool-shaped petals that were blooming with a sunken hole in the center. This stone seat with a 1m diameter direction toward the north with a height of 50 cm. Peterana round-shaped carved stone decorated with arabesque motifs nets or nets. Peterana carved stone serves as the coronation place of the sultan's throne. Not known with certainty the names of the sultan who had been named on the carved stone peterana. Bustanus as Salatin says there are two pieces of stone peterana, namely peterana carved stone (Jaunty masyhadi flower) and color stones peterana patchouli (lotus flower). But that can still be seen nowadays is a carved stone flower peterana Jaunty masyhadi gunongan located adjacent to and located on the side of the river.

    Cage King is a family burial site sultan of Aceh Kingdom, among them the tomb of Sultan Iskandar Thani (1636-1641) as the son of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607-1636) and wife Sultanah Tajul Nature (1641-1670). Building a patio enclosure with a height of 2 m surrounded by a wall with a thickness of 45 cm and width 18 m. The building was made ​​of brick and lime berspesi berdenah em square.

    Source: indonesia.go.id

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

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  3. #3
    Taman Sari Gunongan Map

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