If you are in the area of ​​Pati Regency, Central Java and surrounding areas, try a short stop at the dam of Rowo Mountain. This dam is located in the Situluhur Village, Gembong District, Pati. The dam is right at the foot of Jolong Mountain and behind the hill of Muria Mountain.

It does not take long to get the tourist destination. From the city center, tourists stay to take direction to Gombong. You may not feel worry because the access road to the location has been smoothly paved up to the location of the dam. On the side of the road along the way, you will also be treated to views of people's houses side by side with various trees, both teak tree, rambutan, durian and similar trees. In the dam area, there are also found trees of Bali orange fruit.

Arriving at tourist sites, you will see tents of street vendors that are also installed nicely on the edge of the lake. From the edge of the dam, you also will find people do looking for fish or fishing at the edge of the dam. Residents from various regions also come to enjoy the shady nature of this dam.

Children's games are also providedin this tourist destination, but you have to climb the stairs first if you want to enjoy the game and shady trees. At the top of the hill, there are wood boards with words "I Love Mount Rowo". Many people take selfie photo in front of the written boards. But not a few who try to take pictures on the lighthouse that is located on the side of the lake. This lighthouse was built since the Dutch colonial.

The dam itself was built for seven years, from 1918-1925. Irrigation land area from dam was managed by Balai Besar Pemali Juwana River Region with 6,025 hectares. But the current area is reduced because the water in the reservoir starts to decrease drastically.

Beyond that, this tourist destination became one of the reference community, especially family travelers. To enjoy the beauty of this dam, you only need to pay for parking.

Article Source: http://travel.kompas.com/