Wow. Such a peaceful place.
Raja (King) Island with area of 158 hectares is located in the Sea of Sulawesi, Monano District, Regency of North Gorontalo, Gorontalo. Having a brown and white sandy beaches, Raja Island is choice for tourists to enjoy the silence. Small forest on the island and various birds add comfort dwell on this island. Local residents call this island with "Motutuo" name, which means the island has shape of conical or resembling a mountain. Mound hill in the middle of the island resembles a small mountain from a distance. Around the island, it's filled with sandy beaches and some rocks.
Raja Island has a range of about two hours away by car from the city of Gorontalo. Arriving in the Dunu Village, Monano District, North Gorontalo, it's followed by a trip to the island belongs to the fishing boat that can be rented. Each visitor is charged for 50,000 Rupiah for the return trip to the island. The journey from land to the island takes about 20 minutes. However, if there is high waves, travel time can reach 30 minutes. Violent crushing sensation wave hit the boat can make the heart beat. Therefore, travelers are advised to wear a life jacket while boating to King Island.
In this island, there is small hut that can accommodate five people to sleep in it. Travelers can also set up a tent around the hut-shaped stage. For food during a vacation in Raja Island, travelers can bring their own lunch or order a fish dish to the local fishermen.
Recreation that can be enjoyed in Raja Island is included taking a bath in the sea, coral reef diving observing, photographing the sunset, and watching thousands of bats as the sun began to sink, and of course enjoying grilled fish on the beach. The sound of waves and chirping birds also add comfort travelers on Raja Island. For lovers of silence, you must visit and enjoy the atmosphere at Raja Island because this island is away from the noise and daily routine and Raja Island is right for those who want to relieve tired.
However, to be able to travel in Raja Island, travelers need a permit from the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) Gorontalo. The island is a nature reserve area of Popaya Mas Raja, which consists of three islands, namely Popaya Island, Mas Island, and Raja Island. Travel in Raja Island also is limited or include the category of special interest. Popaya, Mas and Raja Island become an important habitat of four species of sea turtles, there are the hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), loggerhead (Caretta caretta), leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea), green and leatherback turtle (Chelonia mydas). If lucky, travelers can watch turtles lay eggs on the islands.
According to the officer of Regional Conservation Section BKSDA Gorontalo, Ismail Kulupani, the guard of Popaya Mas Raja Nature Reserve said that foreign tourists had stayed several times at Raja Island. They were among others, from Britain, Spain, and Bangladesh. They stayed in Raja Island for 7-14 days. He said that foreign tourists liked silence at Raja Island. In fact, some of them did not want to be brought food for everyday purposes. They prefer to survive by eating what's on the island, including fishing.
Gorontalo has a lot of potential for special interest tours. In addition to Raja Island, some of the other attractions in the province are the Sanctuary Nantu, Panua Nature Reserve and Cape Long Nature Reserve. In addition to offer natural beauty, it also presents the tourism attractions of endangered species endemic to Sulawesi. In Nantu, travelerrs can see the dwarf buffalo, hog deer, monkeys and various birds when gathered in spring of Adud in Nantu forest.
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Wow. Such a peaceful place.