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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Diyonuma Island, North Gorontalo

    This is one of Gorontalo's hidden secret that has magnificent beauty over the hill of the island. Diyonumo Island is located in East Sumalata, North Gorontalo. It precisely settled in Deme village2, Sumatala sub-district. This island is kinda virgin, for there are not much visitors who come and visit this tremendous one.
    Indonesia Welcoming The World

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Diyonuma Island is settled in the area of East Sumalata, North Gorontalo. It precisely located in the Deme 2 Village, Sumalata district. The island is still virgin and uninhabited and it is better this way to avoid any harm and careless hands.

    To reach this island you just sail about 10 minutes from the village of Deme 2 with katinting. There are many of local residents have preparing Ketinting rental services for tourists that want to cross the Island.

    Since the Island has very genuine view, we can do so much fun here exploring the green nuance over the top of the hill. One of the things are taking some photo from the uphill with the very stunning background consisting of the greenish hill, the bluish ocean and the bright blue sky. Capture your moment here with your buddies or your love one.

    If we are in the city of Gorontalo, we can use a car or motorcycle to Sumalata. It takes only 2-3 hours of travel and crossing to the island from Deme 2 village; the very short journey but full of beautiful experience and millions of colors in the sights.

    Just keep in mind, the island is still very natural so there are no adequate facilities, if interested to stay do not forget to bring a tent and have a great time camping and enjoy everything naked. Take stock and other travel requirements like your food and drink and medication. Better stay honors the nature and enjoys everything with fun.
    Indonesia Welcoming The World

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