If you want to travel to places of natural attractions, Goa Gudawang may be an option for those of you who are looking for natural attractions. Goa is located in District Cigudeg, Bogor can be reached from the city of Bogor about 30 miles or 1 hour drive and can also be accessed from Tangerang City through Parung length with the distance of 60 km or 2 hour trip.

To get to the location of Goa Gudawang you are going through the damaged roads, especially for those of you who through Parung Panjang. It seems that local government pays little attention to the condition of the road to these attractions. When you will enter your sights will go through the gate attractions of Goa Gudawang which began shabby for under-treated.

In these places there are three caves are located on the right, left, and the entrance to a tourist attraction. Three cave Simenteng namely Goa, Goa Simasigit, and Goa Sipahang.

Caves located in Goa Gudawang attractions is a natural cave formed by sedimentation processes that occur over hundreds of years ago.

Source: parungpanjang.info

photos: yukez.files.wordpress.com