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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Culinary Destination: Solo Typical Food - SOLO

    Culinary Destination of Solo Typical Food

    There are some typical food Solo viable for you to test, the first is tengkleng. Tengkleng nearly equal to the curry but tengkleng more dilute because it does not use coconut milk. It is made from goat meat, bones and jerohan (inner part). And you will get more pleasure when you enjoy it with your bare hands, or in the Java language "muluk" (eat without a spoon). You can find this in the typical food stall near the gate tengkleng Klewer Market.

    Timlo this kind of soup that contains sliced chicken, boiled noodles, boiled eggs, sliced sausage solo and sometimes contains also sliced mushroom (Auricularia polytricha) and carrot soup poured fresh nodes. These foods can be eaten just like that or eaten with rice.

    Solo Liwet Rice
    Liwet Rice is a typical food of the most famous, it was savory and delicious. The uniqueness of liwet rice from Solo is the way of serve by using “pincuk” (plate of banana leaves) with fried chilli side dish, boiled egg yolk, areh / kumut (egg white plus coconut milk), plus a side-dish of small diced chicken meat , "bacem" egg, and jerohan. You can find it on roadside and eat with Lesehan way, during the morning the rice sellers will be ready on the alley of village at 5 early morning.

    Sate Buntel
    Sate buntel is somewhat different from sate in general. This kind of Sate is made from finely chopped goat meat, and secret spices typical sate buntel, then wrapped and given a layer of fat sheep, goat fat melts and penetrates into the baked goat meat, it would be more savory and delicious. Because the meat is used for wrapping sate is goat meat choice with the best quality and the correct cooking process typical goat smell rose does not smell anymore.

    Image source: https://dentistvschef.files.wordpress.com/ http://4.bp.blogspot.com/ http://rumahmakansidoarjo.com/ http://www.bango.co.id/ http://rumahmakansidoarjo.com/
    Last edited by Lionna; 23-09-2016 at 17:41.

  2. #2
    on those list, I only ever taste liwet rice, its yummy :9

  3. #3
    Thanks for the sharing with the amazing pictures for the Solo typical food.

  4. #4
    Indonesian cuisine is really amazing. But can anyone give me some place to try those dishes when I visit Indonesia?
    It would be helpful. I am going to visit Indonesia for the first time about 2 week and I will travel alone.

  5. #5
    While technically more of a condiment, the chili-based sauce known as sambal is a staple at all Indonesian tables.

    Dishes are not complete unless they have a hearty dollop of the stuff, a combination of chilies, sharp fermented shrimp paste, tangy lime juice, sugar and salt all pounded up with mortar and pestle.

    So beloved is sambal, some restaurants have made it their main attraction, with options that include young mango, mushroom and durian.

    These tasty meat skewers cook up over coals so hot they need fans to waft the smoke away.

    Whether it’s chicken, goat, mutton or rabbit, the scrappy morsels get marinated in turmeric, barbecued and then bathed in a hearty dose of peanut sauce.

    Other nations now lay claim to sate, but Indonesians consider it a national dish conceived by street vendors and popularized by Arab traders.

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