Kaolin is a lake has a clean white color that land and water are colored light blue. This lake is not derived from the crater like Kawah Putih (Lake Crater White) Ciwidey or High King, the lake was formed from the former site of the abandoned mining Kaolin and enhance the natural beauty. Little knowledge of Kaolin. Kaolin is a mineral as industrial materials such as cosmetics, paper, food, toothpaste and Kaolin favored because of its smooth, white, strong, smooth and electric power and low thermal conductivity.

The scenery is breathtaking all-seeing eye. Excavated piles like hills around the lake area which at first glance like a mini Mount Bromo but white. Lower Mainland lakes is covered by water, such as the curve of an animal that was passing, when the water was receding land will look like a clean white sugar. In the middle of a lake appears as if linking the mainland between the end of the lake.

In this lake there is no smell of sulfur because the lake is not formed from a crater make visitors feel at home to linger in this lake. For the water was relatively safe, because the water is not hot here. Proven many activities residents and children who were using the lake water or bathing in the lake. This condition makes the tourists who visit not only can enjoy the scenery, but also can play or enjoy the fresh water lake swim Kaolin. Most of the residents said that the water in the lake this kaolin skin so much smoother and softer.

Kaolin lake located in one of the island of Sumatra, Kaolin lake is located in the Village of Lake Water Kingdom Tanjungpandan, Belitung, Bangka Belitung province. The location of the lake is still fairly close to the city center Tanjungpandan. It only takes about 10 minutes to get to the Kaolin lake. It is recommended to use a personal vehicle because of the lack of public transport.