Mandala Wangsit Siliwangi Museum is a museum in Bandung, West Java. The name Siliwangi was taken from a king of Pajajaran Kingdom that reputedly has an infinity of power/authority, wisdom & dignity. Whereas the meaning of Mandala Wangsit is a place to store the mandate, religious advice or advice from fighters of the past to future generations through the objects left behind.

Mandala Wangsit Museum is under Army caretaker is an overview of the military struggle of Siliwangi Division and the people of West Java. Therefore most of the museum collections are weapons, ranging from traditional to modern time.

The museum collection consists of historical relics in the period before independence, the war of independence, and the period after independence. The museum collections include a traditional weapon, furniture, old coins and maps, painting of Bandung Lautan Api (Bandung Sea of Fire) event, Somaprawira Hussein's special collections, samurai weapons, and weapons from Indonesia especially from Java, and various flags and symbols of unity.

This museum also has outdoor displayed collections, such as a variety of war equipment, tanks, armored cars, and canons.