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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Rinca island, West Manggarai - East Nusa Tenggara

    Rinca is a rough and tumble little island located in East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia just off the western tip of Flores. One of only a very few places to spot Komodo dragons in the wild, Rinca is often overlooked by tourists on their way to the more-popular Komodo Island. You are much more likely to spot komodo dragons in their natural habitat on Rinca Island where there is less impact from tourism.

    Some weighing in at 300 pounds, komodo dragons can grow up to 10 feet long, are venomous, and have caused several human fatalities. Komodo dragons are the largest lizards on Earth, but don't let their size fool you; komodos can chase down prey - usually a hapless water buffalo - at 15 miles per hour!

    Rinca briefly made the world spotlight when five scuba divers were found stranded there in 2008. The group survived on shellfish and had to fend off the dragons by throwing rocks and dive weights.

    Rinca is a part of Indonesia's Komodo National Park and has been granted UNESCO World Heritage status. If you find yourself in search of the famed komodo dragon, avoid the crowds on Komodo and visit Rinca instead!

    What to Expect on Rinca Island

    Rinca occupies only 123 square miles and aside from a tiny fishing village, the island is completely undeveloped. Miserably hot and usually dry, Rinca is the perfect home for exotic and dangerous wildlife. Dense forest gives way to grassy fields and a few scattered watering holes where the komodo dragons hunt for prey.

    Far fewer tourists visit Rinca than the neighboring Komodo Island. Although never a guarantee, the chances of spotting dragons in the wild is much better on Rina than on Komodo. With a little luck you may find only yourself and a guide - armed only with a stick - wandering the bush in search of komodo dragons.

    When arriving at the dock, a short walk takes you to the ranger camp where you will be required to pay a fee (around $15) which includes a guide for one to two hours. Two hours is all that you will be able to handle in the extreme heat. It is not possible to explore the island without a guide.

    A few lazy komodo dragons can be spotted right away lounging around the camp waiting for handouts or rummaging through the garbage. Take photos, but do not approach the dragons - they can run nearly twice as fast as you can!

    Source: about.com

  2. #2


    By Adhi Rachdian


    Last edited by agustinus; 28-08-2012 at 10:43.

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