very good place to go! i hope i can going there with my friends to photo hunting and just to relaxing ourself. Love the flower garden too!
Type: Posts; User: toni34; Keyword(s):
very good place to go! i hope i can going there with my friends to photo hunting and just to relaxing ourself. Love the flower garden too!
Such a creepy yet beautiful place. I hope i can get there and take some photos. This place reminds me of some graveyard at europe country.
i am so in love with the view ! it's very suitable for photo spot. I probably will use this place for wedding photo shot.
what a good moment to celebrate surabaya anniversary where there's a lot of parade. i'd like to go to surabaya to discover another places that have authentic places such as Taman Harmoni in surabaya...
rekomendasinya kebanyakan di taman bunga ya :D Tapi setahu saya memang paling pas kalau taman bunga dijadikan tempat romantis, ditambah pemandangannya juga asri :)
Jakarta needed more park like this ! it could be awesome if we could walk around and enjoy the view of beautiful flowers there.
what a beautiful place from Surabaya !!
i have never been go to surabaya but i heard they have a lots of beautiful flower garden and parks.
i also have seen that pict on my friend's instagram feed.