Obyek Wisata Air Panas Ciater, bagi masyarakat Indonesia, apa lagi Jawa Barat dan Wilayah lain di Nusantara ini, sudah mengenalnya. Karena obyek wisata ini, selain dijadikan sebagai sarana rekreasi...
Type: Posts; User: lenstraffic; Keyword(s):
Obyek Wisata Air Panas Ciater, bagi masyarakat Indonesia, apa lagi Jawa Barat dan Wilayah lain di Nusantara ini, sudah mengenalnya. Karena obyek wisata ini, selain dijadikan sebagai sarana rekreasi...
Waduk Saguling termasuk salah satu dari tiga waduk yang membendung aliran Sungai Citarum disamping juga Waduk Jatiluhur dan Cirata. Waduk ini berketinggian sekitar 643 meter diatas permukaan laut...
Caringin Tilu merupakan salah satu tempat menarik di kawasan Bandung Timur yang mungkin belum banyak diketahui masyarakat luas. Pesona alamnya sungguh luar biasa untuk ukuran tempat yang boleh...
Surabaya anniversary is always held around May in every year. There will be celebration from the local government that followed by societies in town. At malls or plazas there will be Surabaya...
Ski lot is such a traditional game from Lekok village, one of urban areas in Pasuruan Regency. At early begin, this game was played by the fishermans who spend the vacant time during their fishing...
Brahu temple is the biggest temple in Trowulan. Brahu is supposed come from “Wanaru” or “Warahu”, which is name of holly building that mentioned in a cooper inscription “Alasanta” that found in west...
This beads handicraft is produce in Jombang regency. There are various type of jewelry that can be made by glass beads and those become the option of souvenir during your visit to Jombang.
Indonesia Railway Industry INKA, state own industry in Indonesia, standing in 1981 which is located in Yos Sudarso Street, broadly is 220.000 m2 with the labour as much 974 people. INKA, moving...
Seweru Waterfall is located in the slope of Mount Wilis in the height of 400 m from sea level.
The source of the Waterfall is come from under the mount and arise above shady trees.
This place is...
It is called Ngebel Lake because it is in Ngebel subdistrict territory. It is located about 24 km to the north-east of Ponogoro, Ngebel lake is in the slope of Wilis mountain with 734 metre height on...
Discussing Batik is never get enough. We can not just stand on Yogyakarta or Solo style, for almost area in Indonesia having their own pattern on Batik motives.
In Tulungagung, East Java, is also...
Joko Dolog can be found on Taman Aspari Street. This statue is a Buddhist statue. It is said to have been made in the year 1289 in honor of the funeral of King Kertanagara, who was the last king of...
As you continue on your journey, visit the Monkasel, the original KRI Pasopati 410 submarine next to the Surabaya Plaza shopping center. It is 76.6 meters long and 6.3 meters wide. It was moved...
Petilasan Sri Aji Joyoboyo
Petilasan Joyoboyo Sri Aji is a meditation or place for the king. In this case, this was the place of Kadiri King, the King Joyoboyo. In addition to be the King Kediri...
His eco-tourism in Surabaya is well-known as Pamurbaya, Pantai Timur Surabaya referred to Surabaya Eastern Beach, this object is quite new but having a rich beauty like any other objects in East...
Besides case, middle and small industry in Gresik Sub-Province also produces songkok or cap. Two considerably famous songkok products so exits regional Gre-sik even foreign countries, is brand...