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Forum: Java Island

This is the most populated island in Indonesia and here is the main topic to discuss the whole tourism objects.

Sub-Forums: Java Island

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  1. Banten

    (1 Viewing)

    Krakatau island, Paniatan island, Peucang island, Badui Tribe, Anyer, Cilegon, Serang, Tengerang, Pandeglang, Rangkasbitung, Lebak, Mount Karang, Banten palace, Sindang Laut, Curug Gendang Waterfall and more

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    1. Find your ideal hotel in Banten now! Books and deal with great availability and fantastic rates. You also can post and share your favorite hotels here. From luxury hotels, to budget hotels.

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  2. Jakarta

    (7 Viewing)

    Monas, Seribu Islands, Marina Jaya Ancol, Sunda Kelapa, Ragunan Zoo, Jakarta History Museum, Shadow Puppets Museum, Sea World, Taman Mini Indonesia Indah, Jaya Ancol Dreamland and more

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    1. Hotels In Jakarta

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      Find your ideal hotel in Jakarta now! Books and deal with great availability and fantastic rates. You also can post and share your favorite hotels here. From luxury hotels, to budget hotels.

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  3. West Java

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    Bandung, Bogor, Cirebon, Bekasi, Karawang, Subang, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Garut, Tasikmalaya, Mount Halimun, Papandayan Crater, Mount Tangguban Prahu, Puncak, Pelabuhan Ratu Bay and more

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    1. Hotels In West Java

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      Find your ideal hotel in West Java now! Books and deal with great availability and fantastic rates. You also can post and share your favorite hotels here. From luxury hotels, to budget hotels.

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  4. Central Java

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    Semarang, Solo, Cilacap, Purwokerto, Magelang, Tegal, Jepara, Karimun Jawa, Dieng Plateau, Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Rawa Pening, Nusa Kambangan Island, Mount Merapi and more

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    1. Find your ideal hotel in Central Java now! Books and deal with great availability and fantastic rates. You also can post and share your favorite hotels here. From luxury hotels, to budget hotels.

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  5. Yogyakarta

    (27 Viewing)

    Yogyakarta Palace - Kraton, Sleman, Bantul, Kulonprogo, Gunung Kidul, Parang Tritis Beach, Prambanan, Kota Gede, Boko Tenple,Malioboro, Imogiri, Kaliurang, Batik Handicrafts and more

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    1. Hotels In Yogyakarta

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      Find your ideal hotel in Yogyakarta now! Books and deal with great availability and fantastic rates. You also can post and share your favorite hotels here. From luxury hotels, to budget hotels.

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      • Threads: 94
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  6. East Java

    (105 Viewing)

    Surabaya, Malang, Batu, Madura Island, Majapahit, Bromo Mountain, Ijen Crater, Coffe Plantations, Plengkung Beach, Madakaripura Waterfall, Bull Racing and more

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    1. Hotels In East Java

      (7 Viewing)

      Find your ideal hotel in East Java now! Books and deal with great availability and fantastic rates. You also can post and share your favorite hotels here. From luxury hotels, to budget hotels.

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    2. Surabaya

      (1 Viewing)

      Surabaya give equipped with every modern facility and offering a standard of accommodation to suit every taste and budget. Have many places of interest for the tourist destination, include : Kalimas Harbour and Arab Quarter in the old part of town, Sub Marine monument & Kya-Kya food festival, also the Largest Zoos in south east asia. Visit Surabaya and enjoy everything.

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      • Threads: 67
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    3. Malang

      (8 Viewing)

      Malang is one of clean and cool cities in East Java has, without any doubt, been famous since long time ago. Malang regency border Blitar and Kediri Regencies on the West; Jombang, Mojokerto and Pasuruan Regencies on the North; Probolinggo and Lumajang Regencies on the East and Indian Ocean on the South.

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    4. Batu

      (4 Viewing)

      Batu has explored its effort to show its tourism nature potency. The alternative that had done is warm pool Cangar, have corrected and renovated. Meanwhile, the other places as the alternative of new tourism also start to pop out, they are; Jatim Park, Selecta, Songgoriti, Agro tourism, Coban Rondo waterfall, Mount Panderman, Mount Arjuno, Mount Welirang, Mount Ukir, Mount Banyak.

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    5. Bangkalan

      (2 Viewing)

      The most famous attraction of Bangkalan is the annual bull racing (kerapan sapi), which takes place during the dry season in August ­ September. These exiting and colourful tournaments consist of a race between two pairs of bulls, each team pulling a rider and sled. Then, the finals are held in Madura’s capital, Pamekasan on October.

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    6. Banyuwangi

      (3 Viewing)

      The beauty of nature is spread across Banyuwangi from the west to the east. Mountains, forests and beaches mark the landscape of the regency. For instance, Ijen Crater, in the western part of Banyuwangi is famous for its beautiful crater lake, the traditional sulfur miners who amazingly climb up and down the slope of Mount Merapi, and the plantations that cover the Crater’s slope. The National Park of Meru Betiri is famous for its Java Tiger and turtles. These locations form the center of the Tourism Developed area which is called the Diamond Triangle, which connects one Tourism Object to another.

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    7. Blitar

      (2 Viewing)

      Blitar is the second small regency in East Java province. Blitar is noteworthy for being the hometown of Indonesia's first president, Soekarno. It's a sleepy place that's got a tiny business district as well as ancient Hindu temples (called Penataran temple).

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    8. Bojonegoro

      (2 Viewing)

      Bojonegoro regency has many tourist attractions such as, nature tour, artificial tour, cultural tour, pilgrimage tour. One of Bojonegoro tourist attractions that become the mainstay is Kayangan Api, this tourism object is the biggest eternal fire in Asia and estimated the biggest in the world. Beside that, Bojonegoro is also known for its traditional culture. There some traditional culture of Bojonegoro regency that popular in domestic and foreign tourists.

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    9. Bondowoso

      (4 Viewing)

      Bondowoso is also known as the rich regency of tourism objects, including; mount Raung, Blawan waterfall, coffee plantation, Polo Agung waterfall, Tancak Kembar waterfall, Tasnan swimming pool, Sarcophagus, Gerbong Maut monument, traditional foods, etc. But the famous and the special tourism object is Kawah Ijen / Ijen Crater that often visited by many tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.

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    10. Gresik

      (3 Viewing)

      In this town there is Sunan Maulana Malik Ibrahim cemetery who is one of 9 holy men in Islam religion, first Islam spreader in East Java who pass away in 882 H or 1419 A.D and buried in Kampung Gapura Gresik.

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    11. Jember

      (2 Viewing)

      Jember has beautiful views along the beach. In the northern and eastern part of Jember there are mountain ranges where spectacular waterfalls can be found. Jember is also famous for its plantations. Therefore many foreign tourists are interested in the agro tourism available in Jember.

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    12. Jombang

      (5 Viewing)

      This is very important and profitable, because Jombang location is near to nature tourism area of Malang in southeast side and Pacet ­ Trawas ­ Tretes in east side; and historical tourism (Mojopahit Sites) of Trowulan.

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    13. Kediri

      (3 Viewing)

      Kediri as one of East Java regency has known by many people and tourists, because it has many interesting tourism objects. Beside Mount Kelud, the other Kediri’s nature scenery is Irrenggolo and Dolo Waterfall that also give the pine forest scenery.

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    14. Lamongan

      (4 Viewing)

      Lamongan is one of tourism object in East Java that has glamour nature and marvelous culture, such as the unique of Maharani Cave, or the fascinating of marine / WBL tourism area, the amazing of Gondang Dam tourism area and there are still a lot of tourism object which is interesting to be visited.

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    15. Lumajang

      (5 Viewing)

      The regency of Lumajang is about 190 km from Surabaya, the capital of East Java. This regency is one of East Java's tourism that save a lot of famous tourism objects.

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    16. Madiun regency is the potential tour area that could be proud with its territory that consisted of forest, several objects tourism and the interesting tour, including; the nature tour, the interest tour and the cultural tour.

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    17. Magetan

      (2 Viewing)

      Magetan regency also has industries of feather art, bamboo, and traditional music. It also developed the agriculture and horticulture that give it the vegetables and oranges. The famous orange of Magetan is pamelo and Srinyo orange. Those orange plantation is located in Sukomoro and Bendo district, Magetan.

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    18. Mojokerto

      (7 Viewing)

      Mojokerto has known as the location of the biggest kingdom of Mojopahit. This regency also saves a lot of temples of Mojopahit Kingdom. Mojokerto was the government center of the whole nation area. So that, many temples had found in this area, especially in Trowulan district, Mojokerto regency.

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    19. Nganjuk

      (3 Viewing)

      Nganjuk regency is one of the tourism object in East Java which has some of the charming tourist attractions. The beautiful panorama of tourist resorts, the memorable of the historical site and enchanting of the culture and art of Nganjuk regency are the reasons to visit this location.

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    20. Ngawi

      (1 Viewing)

      Ngawi Regency is one of East Java regencies that often called as the rich nature scenery area. This regency also famous with the ancient museum named "Trinil Museum", which has known by many people in the world as one of museum that contains of prehistoric men fossil (Pitecanthropus Erectus).

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    21. Pacitan

      (3 Viewing)

      Visit Pacitan's tourism object, such as; Teleng Ria Beach, Srau Beach, Klayar Beach, Sidomulyo Beach, Gong Cave, Tabuhan Cave, Banyu Anget Pool, Ceprotan Ceremony, etc.

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    22. Pamekasan Tourism : The natural resources potentials economically are very promising for us to be developed among other things: Plantation, Agriculture, Animals Husbandry, Sea and Fishery, Industry, Mining, Culture and Tourism Potentials.

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      • Threads: 5
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    23. Pasuruan

      (3 Viewing)

      Pasuruan is one of tourism object in East Java that has glamour nature and marvelous culture, such as panorama of mount Bromo seen from Penanjakan, or the fascinating of Tretes tourism area, the amazing of agro tourism area in Tutur, recreation area at Prigen, which presenting multifarious animals in Safari Park Indonesia II, the center of recreation and entertainment amusement of Taman Dayu, Fina Golf and there are still a lot of tourism object which is interesting to be visited.

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      • Threads: 42
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    24. Ponorogo

      (1 Viewing)

      The visitors can found this original dance just in Ponorogo, East Java - Indonesia. REOG is trully come from Indonesia that never gone, because this traditional dance has its own history and the dancer must special person who able to presents it.

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    25. Probolinggo

      (1 Viewing)

      Situbondo is become one of the interesting tourism purpose for visit because its beautiful of mountain, hill, and forest. Those beautiful have attracted the tourists to visit Situbondo. There are a lot of tourists visit this regency, both domestics and foreign tourists.

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    26. Sampang

      (5 Viewing)

      He comfortable for the tourist to enjoy the tourism objects, such as;mandangin island tourism spot, Camplong beach, Madengan tomb, recreation of Klampis reservouir, Toroan waterfall, the ruin Raden Segoro, ruins of Pababaran.

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    27. Sidoarjo

      (2 Viewing)

      Pure beautiful and peaceful place The typical of fish cuisine are easy to find in Sidoarjo, for example; milkfish smoke, a nice food at Mojopahit Street, Sidoarjo

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    28. Situbondo is become one of the interesting tourism purpose for visit because its beautiful of mountain, hill, and forest. Those beautiful have attracted the tourists to visit Situbondo. There are a lot of tourists visit this regency, both domestics and foreign tourists.

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    29. Sumenep

      (1 Viewing)

      Sumenep has some interesting sites to visit. Besides historical sites like Kraton and Tiny Museum, Traditional Art and Cultural Attractions as Mask Dance and Bull Race, it also has beautiful beaches to see, such as; Lombang beach and Slopeng beach.

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    30. Trenggalek

      (4 Viewing)

      There are many visitors often visit this regency to spent their holiday. The visitors are interesting with Trenggalek's tourism objects, such as: Prigi Beach, Damas Beach, Pelang Beach, Karanggongso Beach, Lowo Cave, and also Trenggalek's traditional art and food. Its beautiful and origin beaches are able to invite many visitors.

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    31. Tuban

      (4 Viewing)

      Get the beautiful sceneries and amazing tropical culture in Tuban. Tuban is an ancient town located at west of Surabaya around 100 kilometers. As an ancient town, Tuban has historical and cultural values.

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    32. Tulungagung

      (4 Viewing)

      Tulungagung is often called as the warehouse of culture, especially Javanese culture that still develop in the society around. The traditional cultures are still continuously and have many fans. The cultures are; puppet, ketoprak, reyog, tayub, ludruk, jaranan, kentrung, etc.

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