11-11-2011, 11:53
The dam was built to replace the intake function that irrigates Mrican old irrigation areas and intake Warujayeng old Turi Turi Tunggorono irrigating irrigation area and increase the supply of water for irrigation areas Peterongan.
As building irrigation facilities and infrastructure used also as a place of tourism, therefore, also the by Perum Jasa Tirta I developed as a tourist park area.
Tourism development efforts carried out by performing a variety of additional facilities supporting tourism in the Garden Tour weir Motion Waru Turi Mrican appropriate demands and needs of tourists in the present and future.
This tourist park located north ± 7 km, ± 10 minutes from Kediri, precisely in the Village Gampeng, District Gampengrejo, Kediri. Dam is 159 meters long used as a controller of the Brantas River water, and as a tourist, this place is also equipped with a wide range of tourist facilities.
As building irrigation facilities and infrastructure used also as a place of tourism, therefore, also the by Perum Jasa Tirta I developed as a tourist park area.
Tourism development efforts carried out by performing a variety of additional facilities supporting tourism in the Garden Tour weir Motion Waru Turi Mrican appropriate demands and needs of tourists in the present and future.
This tourist park located north ± 7 km, ± 10 minutes from Kediri, precisely in the Village Gampeng, District Gampengrejo, Kediri. Dam is 159 meters long used as a controller of the Brantas River water, and as a tourist, this place is also equipped with a wide range of tourist facilities.