05-09-2011, 13:20
Visa adalah dokumen yang dikeluarkan oleh sebuah negara kepada seseorang untuk dapat diberikan izin masuk ke suatu negara dalam periode waktu dan tujuan tertentu. Visa merupakan izin tertulis yang diberikan oleh pejabat yang berwenang pada perwakilan Republik Indonesia atau di tempat lainnya yang ditetapkan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia yang memuat persetujuan bagi masing-masing untuk masuk dan melakukan perjalanan ke wilayah Indonesia.
Visa Republik Indonesia dikeluarkan dalam bentuk stiker yang dicantumkan ke dalam paspor pemohon. Masa berlaku visa yang sudah dikeluarkan adalah 90 dari tanggal pengeluaran. Izin tinggal diberikan maksimum 60 hari dan mulai berlaku pada saat izin masuk diberikan oleh pihak imigrasi di tempat pemeriksaan keimigrasian pada saat kedatangan.
Visa yang telah diberikan harus dipergunakan dalam waktu 90 (sembilan puluh) hari terhitung sejak tanggal visa diterbitkan. Dalam jangka waktu 90 hari terlampaui, maka visa tersebut habis masa berlaku dan kepada orang asing atau yang dikuasakan harus mengajukan kembali.
Visa Of The Republik Indonesia:
- Visa Republik Indonesia diberikan dalam bentuk selembar kertas yang melekat pada paspor. Jenis visa yang dikeluarkan didasarkan pada permohonan visa.
- Visa Diplomatik atau Visa Dinas hanya dapat dikeluarkan untuk pembawa Paspor Diplomatik atau Paspor Dinas. Aplikasi untuk Visa Diplomatik atau Layanan harus disertai dengan surat diplomatik atau surat-surat resmi.
- Aplikasi visa dapat dilakukan oleh proxy, kecuali untuk aplikasi Visa Diplomatik atau Dinas.
- Sebuah permohonan visa harus diserahkan ke Kedutaan Besar atau Kantor Konsuler Republik Indonesia atau pejabat lain yang ditunjuk oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia.
- Visa harus digunakan dalam 90 (sembilan puluh) hari, dihitung dari tanggal penerbitan. Setiap orang asing yang gagal menggunakan visa dalam periode ini yang ditunjuk waktu harus mengajukan kembali permohonan visa
23-09-2011, 10:30
Visa is a document that issued by the state to permit a person to be granted to come to one country within a certain period of time and purposes. Visa is a permission granted by the competent authority in the representation of the Republic of Indonesia or elsewhere by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia which includes approval for each to enter and travel to Indonesia.
Visa of the Republic of Indonesia issued in the form of a sticker, placed in the passport applicant. The period of validity of visa that issued is 90 days from the date of expenditure. The permission granted of maximum stay is 60 days and start since the immigration granted during the immigration checkpoint upon arrival.
Visa which has been awarded must be used within 90 days from the date the visa is issued. If within 90 days is exceeded, then the visa is expired, and for the authorized must be re-apply.
Visa Of The Republic of Indonesia:
- Visa of the Republic of Indonesia is given in the form of a sheet of paper attached to the passport. The types of visa issued are based on the visa application.
- Diplomatic Visa or the Visa Office can only be issued to bearer of Diplomatic Passport or Passport Office. Applications for Diplomatic or Service Visas should be accompanied by diplomatic letters or official letters.
- Visa application can be done by proxy, except for Diplomatic or Service Visa applications.
- A visa application should be submitted to the Embassy or Consular Office of Republic of Indonesia or other official designated by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia.
- Visas must be used within 90 days, counted from the date of issuance. Any foreigner who fails to use the visa within the designated period of time must be re-applying the new visa
Entry Ports Where Visa-on-Arrival May Be Issued are:
Soekarno-Hatta in Jakarta
Ngurah Rai in Bali
Sultan Syarif Hasim in Pekanbaru
Minangkabau in Padang
Juanda in Surabaya and
Sam Ratulangi in Manado
Polonia in Medan
Hang Nadim in Batam
Halim Perdana Kusuma in Jakarta
Adi Sucipto in Jogjakarta
Adi Sumarmo in Surakarta
Husein Sastranegara in Bandung
Ahmad Yani in Semarang
Selaparang in Mataram
Ei-Tari in Kupang
Hasanuddin in Makassar
Sam Ratulangi in Manado
Sepinggan in Balikpapan
Supadio in Pontianak
Authorized seaports are at Batam: Sekupang, Batuampar, Nongsa, Marina, and Teluk Senimba, Bandar Bintan, Talani Lagoi, Tanjung Balai Karimun, and Bandar Sri Udana Labon in the Riau archipelago, Sri Bintan Pura in Tanjung Pinang; Belawan port and Sibolga in North Sumatra, Yos Sudarso Tanjung Perak in Surabaya; Teluk Bayur of Padang; Tanjung Priok harbor at Jakarta; Padang Bai and Benoa ports in Bali; the port of Jayapura; Bitung; Tanjung Mas in Semarang, Central Java; Tenua and Maumere in East Nusa Tenggara, Pare-Pare and Soekarno Hatta port in South Sulawesi.
Free Tourist Visa
Free Tourist short stay visas for 30 days are extended to tourists from 12 countries, namely from Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, and Hong Kong SAR, Macao SAR, Chile, Equador, Morocco and Peru,
VISA Application at Indonesia Embassies or Consulates
Visitors from other countries must apply for visa at Indonesia Embassies or Consulates in their home country. In addition, the visa cannot be replaced with any other immigration letters. The visa shall then be administered by Visa Officer in the presence of the applicant concerned.
You may find information on Indonesia embassies and consulates contact details at the Ministry of Foreign Affair website on the following direct link:
Free entry visa is also provided to delegates registered in a conference that is officially convened. In addition, tourist visa can be obtained from every Indonesian Embassy or Consulate. You can visit Indonesia through certain means and gates, by air via Jakarta, Bali, Medan, Manado, Biak, Ambon, Surabaya and Batam; by sea via Semarang, Jakarta, Bali, Pontianak, Balikpapan, Tanjung Pinang and Kupang. Maximum stay in Indonesia is two months.
Airport Tax
An airport tax of Rp150,000 is levied by airports on departing passengers on international flights and Rp.25,000 for those on domestic routes.
Most hotels add a 10% service charge to the bill on top of the 10% tax. In restaurants where service charge is not added, a tip of 5 to 10% on the bill will be appropriate depending on the service and type of establishment.
vietnam trav
08-10-2012, 18:27
Thank you for information.
I intend to visit Indonesia next week. I wonder how to get Visa to Indonesia. Unluckily, the answer is in your text.
Thank you.
Good luck
11-10-2019, 17:26
All travelers to Indonesia must obtain a Visa from one of the Indonesian diplomatic missions unless they come from one of the visa exempt countries. They must be in possession of a Pasport that is valid for at least six (6) months from the date of arrival, and have proof (tickets) of onward or return passage.
For more information, the visitors may visit:
Get the complete information at the site, including Free Visa entry & VOA.
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