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View Full Version : The Good Thing About Dadapan Beach in Gunung Kidul

04-04-2019, 13:20


Located at the western end of Wonogiri Regency and the eastern end of Yogyakarta, so at the border between Central Java and Yogyakarta. Exactly, Dadapan Beach is one of the tourist destinations in Jepitu Village, Girisubo District, Gunung Kidul Regency. This beach becomes a special vacation spot for everyone to visit during the holidays.These people want to see the regions’ boundary that resides near to the beach and enjoy the unspoiled nuance, after all. For the information, another name is Mangetan Beach which means the easternmost beach.

The Nuance

Dadapan Beach is known for its white sandy shoreline. Moreover, the texture is quite soft and no gravels are seen on it. The next noticeable feature is the presence of coral reefs that surround the area. What is more? In the west part of the beach, tourists may find a big coral hill where a region boundary resides. The locals call it “Patok”, which has a white color. Somehow, it is good enough to be a background for photography. When it comes to the seam the waves are moderate so swimming is possible. This must be done in a careful manner, though.

Exploring Dadapan Beach

When visiting Dadapan Beach, tourists should not forget to gather more information regarding the site. They can either ask their local guide or villagers. It is said many Dadap Trees grew on that area. However, their number decreases over time due to natural reasons. After learning the information from the locals, tourists should do recommended things on the beach. It is true the shoreline is a little bit narrow, but it is good enough for beach walking. However, camping is not recommended. It is because the water gets to the shoreline during the high tide, so everyone’s tent would be easily wet.

The good thing about Dadapan Beach is the serenity. The location is behind a steep hill, so it is considered secluded. No wonder, tourists won’t find many people during the visit later. In the afternoon, in fact, visitors may see many hermit crabs on the shore. These cute animals are looking foods at the time, after all.

The next thing that makes Dadapan Beach beautiful is the presence of white sand. Not to mention the waves look wonderful there. Later, in the dusk, tourists can even watch a romantic sunset with a big coral reef in the background. Therefore, it is recommended to carry a camera when visiting the beach!

Nearby Attractions

• Sedahan Beach
• Tanjung Pendowo
• Sinden Beach

How to Get There

From the capital of Central Java Province (Semarang City), tourists should head to Wonogiri City first. The distance is 195 km, so the trip may take approximately 3 hours and 46 minutes. As for the best route, tourists must take Semarang – Solo Freeway. Once arriving at Wonogiri City, their next destination is Girisubo District and they can reach the beach afterward. This trip takes about 2 hours and 15 minutes, as the distance is 71.9 km. For a faster trip, it is recommended to take Girintontro – Giriwoyo Street.