View Full Version : Take a Vocation with Nature Activities in Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark

09-01-2018, 11:47
Source: www.liputan1.com

Visiting Sukabumi, National Park ("Geopark") of Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu may be one of the tourist reference spots for a vacation. This place is increasingly popular because of its natural beauty and natural rock that are presented in every tourist attraction in Geopark of Ciletuh.

Located in Ciletuh area, Sukabumi, West Java, Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark is known as one of the oldest stone parks in Java Island. This tourist area has been inaugurated by UNESCO as one of the world heritage. Developing on the basis of conservation, education and community empowerment, the area is increasingly crowded and attracted tourists. This place also presents variety of outdoor activities that are ready to fill your vacation. You with your family and your friend can release fatigue by relaxing on the beach or doing trekking in the middle of cool Sukabumi atmosphere that are healthy and exciting.

Source: https://ridwanderful.files.wordpress.com/

Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark has various tourist areas that you can visit, from the beach up to some beautiful waterfalls. There are approximately nine exotic waterfalls in the Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark, such as ​​Curug Awang, Curug Tengah, Curug Puncak Manik, Curug Cikanteh, Curug Ngelai, Curug Sodong, Curug Dogdog, Curug Nyelempet, and Curug Cimarinjung. In addition to the waterfalls, travelers can also visit other attractions that are not less beautiful like Puncak Darma, Palangpang Beach, and Cliff Panenjoan.

From the cliff of rocks in Panenjoan and Puncak Darma, travelers can enjoy the scenery of geopark from the height. There is also seen Cotanuh landscape that resembles a giant amphitheater with a horseshoe-like shape that overlooks the Indian Ocean.

Curug Cimarinjung

Source: www.inisukabumi.com

For those of you who are interested in vacationing to Ciletuh-Palabuhanratu Geopark not to feel worry because this area also provides accommodation and facilities that you can use. There are facilities from lodging to rental vehicles.

Article Source: http://travel.kompas.com/