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View Full Version : Putri Cave and Harimau Cave - Two Caves of Ancient Human in Palembang

08-12-2017, 17:43
Source: www.southeastasianarchaeology.com

If you are in Palembang, do not forget to visit the historic caves that have traces of early humans. Come and let's visit the historic tourist area in Putri Cave (Princess Cave) and Harimau Cave (Tiger Cave) that are located in Ogan Komering Ulu (OKU), South Sumatra. There are many historical values ​​that you can get besides just traveling. Nuance of nature of the caves is still beautiful around the mouth of the cave, giving its own comfort amid the dense daily routine. The chirping of birds and the splash of water dripping between the small cracks and the cave walls make the mind more calm.

The two caves that located in Padang Bindu Village, Semindang Aji Subdistrict are formed by nature and having a very distinctive ornament and color. From the historical side, it is clear that this caves are very much in terms of the history contained, as well as the folklore around about life in the cave in the past. In the Harimau Cave, there are found with the number of ancient human bones. Archaeologists say the discovery is about 15,000 BC and still under research.

Source: http://southsumatratourism.com/

If you want to come in Putri Cave, you can also ask for help guide in Putri Cave or accompanied by community around. To get the top of the Harimau Cave, you will pass through coffee plantations and small rivers, before finally having to tread hundreds of stairs.

Just like being in the mouth of a tiger that is ready to pounce, this cave also gives a beautiful charm with its natural scenery. A board size of about 50 - 100 cm will be found around the cave by giving various explanations about the Harimau Cave.

Article Source: https://travel.detik.com/