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View Full Version : Organic Village Tourism - Place to Enjoy the Countryside in Karangrejo Village

24-08-2017, 10:29
Source: http://app.balkondesborobudur.com

Enjoying the cool as well as the beauty of the rural atmosphere sometimes becomes another alternative for recreation. Rural air is still clean and cool, making some people choose to vacation in the village. One place to enjoy the feel of the countryside that still beautiful and cool is the Organic Village Tour. Located in Bumen, Karangrejo Village, Borobudur, Central Java, Organic Village Tourism is a place to rest and recreation while enjoying the natural beauty around the village.

This Organic Village Tourism is managed by PGN and also residents around Karangrejo Village. This place is managed by PGN only within five years, then this tourism will be managed by local people. In this location, you can enjoy the splendor of the Menoreh Mountain that is located south of the Organic Village. In addition to the huts that are stood there, some simple cottages and homestays are made for guests' stay. The cottages are made artistically with cool outdoor shades. Organic Village Tourism also provides a variety of culinary menu that is quite complete.

Source: http://www.letmedown.info/

If the afternoon, you can also enjoy cycling around the village using "ontel" bikes that have been provided also by the community manager of this place. In addition to some tourism facilities that support it, community manager of Organic Village Tourism can also hold traditional dances if it is booked long before the guests. Tourism in Organic Village also becomes learning and introduction of art and culture to foreign tourists.

Rural atmosphere is still very thick that you can enjoy when you really surround the village of Karangrejo using a bicycle or private vehicle. The farmers who are harvesting the produce of the earth become an interesting sight, as well as an interesting portrait of human interest. During the sunny twilight, the panoramic view of the Menoreh hills to the south is not covered in fog, making the details of the hills visible.

Source: https://scontent-ams3-1.cdninstagram.com/

Organic Kampung Tourism becomes one of the rural tourism sites that can be an alternative recreation for the tourists when visiting Magelang. The atmosphere of the village is still very beautiful to make every corner of the village is worth to be explored its beauty.

Article Source: travel.kompas.com