View Full Version : Kertowono Tea Plantation, Lumajang

07-07-2017, 12:36

Kertowono Tea Plantation is located in Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XII. The area of Kertowono Tea Plantation is about 2,267.97 hectares.

From Lumajang City, Kertowono Tea Plantation is about 55 kilometers away. Travel can be reached using private or public vehicles.

Tourists with special interest can try the tea plantation field with the trail bike. In addition, tourists can also play bikes in the tea garden.


The sunrise can be seen from Puncak Kampung Baru Raya or known as Bukit Inspirasi in Kertowono Tea Plantation area, Guci Alit Village, Guci Alit Sub-District, Lumajang Regency, East Java.

Tourists can see panoramic mountains such as Mount Semeru, Lemongan, Raung, and Argopuro from Bukit Inspirasi.