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View Full Version : Exciting Holiday at Polewali Mandar While Enjoying the Rides at Limbong Lopi

21-06-2017, 12:15
Source: www.kompadansamandar.or.id

Various game rides such as flying fox and outbound in Limbong Lopi natural attraction, Batetangnga Village, Binuang Sub-district, Polewali Mandar, West Sulawesi can be a place to test your guts in conquering various challenges. No wonder if this favorite tourist attraction is crowded by citizens and students in the school holiday season, especially on weekends. By paying 20,000 Rupiah, visitors can already enjoy a number of play arenas including flying fox and outbound game rides. Visitors don't need hesitate to outbound in this place. Before starting the game, visitors get an explanation of techniques or procedures to conquer challenges to get into the finish line safely.

Outbound tours and flying fox are two activities that often selected visitors and school students in filling their vacation. Conquering this outbound challenge at a glance seems easy, but many visitors who try it turns out to fail and choose to end the game before they can finish one episode of the game.

Source: http://assets.kompas.com/

Many visitors, including children to parents are interested in trying to walk on a stretch of iron strap from end to end while enjoying the natural scenery around it. A number of visitors who don't dare to test the guts run above the altitude are forced to cancel the game despite already buying 5,000 Rupiah for one game. But not a few visitors who initially are scared, become brave and addicted after trying the first time.

Not far from this location, tour manager of Limbong Lopi also provides a flying fox game rides. Through this game, you can see the beautiful nature of Limbong Lopi. Manager of Limbong Lopi natural attractions provides a number of challenging game rides, so that visitors can enjoy a different holiday atmosphere.

A number of visitors hope the tour manager can add new game rides to make visitors enjoy the exciting holiday atmosphere at this location.

http://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e35/c0.134.1080.1080/16908537_1362495497153854_5672686280777924608_n.jp g?ig_cache_key=MTQ1OTI1MjkwMTM2MDEzOTY1Mg%3D%3D.2. c
Source: http://scontent-sea1-1.cdninstagram.com/

Source: https://mandarlappung.files.wordpress.com/

Article Source: travel.kompas.com