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View Full Version : Waesellue - Beautiful Waterfall with the Fountain of the Cave in Bone

16-06-2017, 11:21
Source: http://ganlob.com/

A waterfall that has a very interesting charm is found in the District of Bone, South Sulawesi. Waterfalls that have 4 stacks and the water is sourced from the cave. Waesellue Waterfall is visited by local residents just to spend tired after working all day. Being in the location of this waterfall, the coolness is felt as well as the splashing of the wind-blown water further that add to the charm of this region.

Local residents gave the name of waterfall with "Waesellue" that means "diving water" because the water comes from the mouth of the cave and it can not be covered by the beautiful rocks from the ceiling of the cave. Distance about 10 meters from the mouth of the cave is the first arrangement of this waterfall and it's followed by 3 other stacks with a distance of 15 to 20 meters. From the first to the third stack of waterfall only has a height of 2 meters, but the fourth structure of this waterfall has a height of 15 meters.

Source: http://ganlob.com/

Source: http://ganlob.com/

Waesellue Waterfall is located in Kajuara Hamlet, Mulanmenre'e Village, Ulaweng District. Distance of this waterfall from the town of Watampone is only about 29 kilometers and it can be passed by four-wheeled vehicles and motorcycles. But to get the location of Waesellue Waterfall visitors have to go through a rocky road without asphalting and walk as far as 50 meters by down the thicket of shrubs.

Article Source: travel.kompas.com

20-06-2017, 17:49
Beautiful charm!

22-05-2018, 15:42
This waterfall is a very interesting charm.