View Full Version : Balak Island - The Charm of Tourist Place in Lampung

13-03-2017, 13:54
Source: www.privateislandsinc.com

Unique and charming. That is the appropriate sentence to describe Balak Island in Pesawaran Regency, Lampung. In an area of ​​200 hectares, it is seemed a blend of padas rock on the east and south along the white sand on the west and north of island.

Soft white sand is spread out like a rug. The sandy beach is quite flat and wide. There are remnants of wooden sticks in the sand as ever overgrown trees. If you are along the east and south of the Balak Island, it looks rock cliffs that resemble a dozen meter-high wall. In coastal beach of Balak Island, there are a lot of overgrown plants, such as ketapan, Putat sea, sea hibiscus and grass in the wind. In the middle of the island, there are dominated by coconut, cocoa, Duku, and a number of other plants.

Balak island that located in the Punduh Pidada Bay makes fairly quiet in the surrounding water. Such conditions make it easier for divers to enjoy the beauty of coral reefs around the Balak Island. About 80 percent of coral reefs in these waters are still awake. One of the advantages of coral reefs in Pulau Balak is location of beautiful coral reef where is not so deep. In fact, even during low tide the coral reefs, it can sometimes clearly visible from the surface of the sea.

Source: www.brobali.com

It does not take long to get to the point of reef, just five minutes to cross by boat from the dock of Balak Island. In fact, using a simple diving equipment in the form of swimming goggles, a respirator (snorkel), flippers (fins), and lifebelt, travellers can simply enjoy the charm of the various coral reefs. At a depth of 2 meters, coral reefs with a variety of fish is easy to find. It is exciting to see the beauty of the coral reefs at a depth of 2 meters. However, on the other hand, sometimes coral reefs is damaged by inadvertently trampled novice divers.

One of the peculiarities of the underwater world in the waters of Balak Island is the composition of coral reefs that meeting. Coral reefs with types of Oxypora lacera, Pectinia lactuca, and Montipora digitata are easily found there. Ornamental fishes with various types and colors also live among the coral reefs. If lucky, divers can meet up with the occasional hawksbill turtles swim around the waters of Balak Island.

To get to the Balak Island, you first need to go Ketapang Dock, Ratai Bay, about an hour's drive from downtown of Bandar Lampung City. From there, it could use small boats or ships at a cost of 250,000 Rupiah per vessel to leave and go home. The ship carries 10-15 people. Travel time is approximately two hours.

Source: http://travel.detik.com

The cruise to the Balak Island will pass through several small islands, among others Pahawang Island, Klagian Island, and Putus Cape. Along the way, you can watch the birds that fly low over the surface of the water to feed on fish. For travelers who want to stay, there are two quarters, each with a capacity of 30 people. Lodging that made of boards and bamboo walls and zinc roof is big enough. The lodging around Balak Island also provides mattresses and pillows that are comfortable enough to eliminate of fatigue after a day of diving. Any number of people, the cottage rental price is still 1.2 million Rupiah. It only costs sleeping facilities. For the food, travelers bring their own. If not want to bother, the local residents can help cook. However, the costs are added.

For travelers who want more adventurous can set up tents around the quarters. Do not be worry about the cold because the manager of Balak Island provides a special location for bonfire.

Article Source: travel.kompas.com