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View Full Version : Charm and Coolness of Karawa Waterfall Becomes "Hot Topic" Among The Travelers

08-03-2017, 12:43
Source: http://anekawisatanusantara.blogspot.com/

The charm of Karawa Waterfall in Lembang district, Pinrang, South Sulawesi, begins to attract tourists. In addition to its clear water and natural atmosphere that is beautiful and cool, Karawa Waterfall has exotic views of the waterfall site and it's suitable for self relaxation. No wonder if this natural attraction that is located about 60 kilometers from the city Lasinrang, Pinrang is starting to be a byword. The bathing place of Karawa Waterfall is one of the new attractions that begin to be promoted by local government as one of tourist destinations.

On weekends, this beautiful and cool waterfall is much frequented by residents and students to refresh themselves. Karawa Waterfall has a height of about 30 meters which is located on the top of Mount Karawa. To reach this location, tourists have to travel as far as one kilometer of road districts. The road is uphill and challenging to make visitors often stop to rest for the trip. But fatigue is relieved after enjoying the coldness of Karawa Waterfall that is surrounded by rocks and green trees. The streets leading to the waterfall can be passed by a motorcycle. However, tourists who use four-wheeled vehicles must be willing to walk as far as 1 kilometer, because the vehicle could not get to the location.

Source: www.ardiyanta.com

A number of supporting facilities such as a gazebo and a place to change clothes should be provided and managed either by local governments or investors, so the facilities can bring economic benefits. To that end, the tourists hope that Karawa Waterfall can be polished again in order to become more attractive.

Karawa Waterfall is currently still managed by the local community. Each tourists is charged for admission of 5,000 Rupiah. Admission is used to finance and clean up the rubbish left by visitors every day.

Article Source: travel.kompas.com