View Full Version : Togo Motonu Lake - A Tourist Attraction With Unique Myths

06-03-2017, 12:24
Source: http://travel.kompas.com

Towards Koguna Beach, in Mopaano District, Buton, Southeast Sulawesi, travelers will pass a lake that is located on the edge of the road, about ten minutes from the Koguna Beach. Not many travelers know about the existence of the lake with the name of "Togo Motonu". Because its existence is hidden behind a bush high enough. Though views are presented quite interesting. With a calm lake water as well as reflective green trees and bright blue sky, Togo Motonu Lake is suitable for relaxing or fishing. The lake is also no ordinary lake. According to local residents, there are many myths about this lake. According to Alma, Buton local residents and staff of the Department of Communication and Information in Buton, name of Togo Motonu Lake has meaning, that is "hometown sinking". It is narrated that there was used to be a village, then there was biological siblings who were married. After the wedding, it rained seven days and seven nights, and the village sank into the lake.

In addition to these myths, another myth that believed by local villagers is the presence of red shrimp in the Togo Motonu Lake. Red shrimp is believed to be a sacred object by the local population. According to Araz, local villager in Buton, told that there is used to be a person who ate the shrimp, and then she got sick and had to be cured by traditional authorities or a new parabela. Since that time, no one was brave to eat the shrimp. Other version of the myth is mentioned by local residents. They said that the red shrimp is removed from its habitat in Lake Togo Motonu to a mosque being built. The next day the mosque was collapsed.

Source: http://lifestyle.liputan6.com/

However, the story of the myth would be difficult to prove, although local residents continue to believe and never catch, even eat red shrimp in the Togu Motonu Lake. To get the Togu Motonu Lake, travelers can go to the distance of 52 kilometers or approximately one half hour of Pasarwajo, City of Buton. There is no charge for enjoying the beauty of this lake. Not far from the lake, there is Koguna Beach which has white sand and clear blue water.

Article Source: travel.kompas.com