View Full Version : Pasir Langlang - Beautiful Tourist Area of Pine Forest in Purwakarta

06-02-2017, 10:56
Source: http://purwakarta-tourism.com/

Pine forest is now becoming popular natural tourist destinations among the travelers. The pine forests can be found in cities like Bandung, Bogor and Yogyakarta. But who would have thought, Purwakarta in West Java also has pine forest. Its name is Langlang Sand (Pasir Langlang), which is located in the south of Purwakarta. Knowing from Public Released of Purwakarta, the word 'pasir' in Sundanese means hill and a 'langlang' is a term that refers to the odyssey. Pasir Langlang is located in the village of Pusaka Mulya, Kiarapedes District, Purwakarta. Here travelers will find rows of pine trees complete with fresh air, far away from noise and pollution.

To achieve pine forest area of Pasir Langlang, travelers can embark on a journey from the Road Captain Halim Purwakarta towards Wanayasa. You will pass the local market up to the gate Pusaka Mulya Village in Kiarapedes. From there, you just follow the main road straight up to find driving directions toward Pasir Langlang Tourist Area, Panyawangan Purwakarta. Arriving at the location, you will be made as "nyawang" alias recalled. The atmosphere in this place is quiet and calm.

Source: http://assets.kompas.com/

The price of admission places is quite cheap, about 5,000 Rupiah per person. Pasir Langlang also open to the camper, by paying 10,000 Rupiah. But you also have to pay 330,000 Rupiah for a rental fee for guide, tent, sleeping bag, mattress, and a set of cookware. No need to bother with everything from home! If you want to enjoy relaxing in a hammock, you have to pay Rp 15,000. Hammock is also a favorite photo spot the travelers.

Article Source: travel.kompas.com