View Full Version : Koguna Beach - Tourism Beach Area With Charm Beauty of Buton

24-01-2017, 12:17
Source: www.republika.co.id

Buton is an archipelago that has many beautiful beaches and the wider community, such as Koguna Beach in Mopaano Village, District of South Lasalimu, Buton, Southeast Sulawesi. The distance of the beach is about 80 kilometers or two hours by car or motorcycle from the direction of the capital of Buton, Pasarwajo. Although the distance is far enough, but once arrived, tiredness is vanished immediately after seeing the charm of Koguna Beach that is truly captivating.

Koguna Beach has white sand that stretches along approximately 2 kilometers. Clear and blue sea increasingly adds natural beauty that combined with a pine tree grows larger on the white sand. It's beautiful. Some children feel excitement running over fine white sand. Most other small children are absorbed swim playfully. On the waterfront, there are seen some adults sitting on the sand with their hands holding the white sand.

Source: http://seekthestar.blogspot.co.id/

According to local residents, this time Koguna Beach has become one of the tourist attractions that are being encouraged Buton District Government. Many people come to Mopaano Village to enjoy the beach. Many local government staffs do service projects to clean this beach. Now this beach apart is enjoyed by the villagers here. Travelers are also coming from the City of Baubau, and the Wanci.

Koguna Beach really has a wonderful charm. Some of the visitors who come to this beach are directly directly capturing the beauty of the beach into their cell phone camera. A visitor from-Lingge Lingge Village, Pasarwajo District said that Koguna very pretty beach with white sand.

Well, for those of you who want to travel to the island of Buton, don't forget to come enjoy the Koguna Beach with truly captivating.

Source: https://travel.detik.com/

Article Source: travel.kompas.com