View Full Version : Exotic Gamtala Mangrove Forest in West Halmahera

19-12-2016, 13:17
Source: tips-wisata-indonesia.blogspot.co.id

Gamtala Mangrove Forest provides a charm dusk of loophole for hunters through small streams that cut amidst lush trees. There are coolness scenery and sound of birds along approximately 1.5 kilometers of the river. At the exit of the sun, beautiful panorama has been waiting for dusk.

Gamtala Mangrove Forest is located in the area of Gamtala Village, Jailolo District, West Halmahera, North Maluku province. Every evening, a small river that be upstream into the entrance of the mangrove forest is always crowded with local or foreign tourists. They come to enjoy the warmth of the water that flow from the foot of Mt. Sahu, a volcano in West Halmahera. Gamtala fishermen who want to fish are setting off through this mangrove forest.

Gamtala Mangrove Forest is like an oasis in the heat of Jailolo where this small town is not far from the equator. In March 2016, Jailolo was passed a total solar eclipse that it could not escape from the attack of a long dry with temperatures even exceed 28 degrees Celsius. The density of mangrove is able to block the scorching sting.

The river water of this mangrove forest is brackish because it is mixed with seawater. On the river, it is no dangerous animals such as crocodiles. But, in this mangrove forest, there are lizard and several species of birds such as parrots. There is also Meleo bird that appears every morning with its beautiful sound.

One wooden bridge that stands on the river flow gives the water mark immediately met a wave of Maluku Sea. Twilight of the sky on the west side of Jailolo is not much surrounded by dark clouds. Bright. Eye can watch the sun slowly descending to sink in the Maluku Sea.

https://scontent-fra3-1.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s640x640/sh0.08/e35/14701264_1857446807818093_6363704028592865280_n.jp g?ig_cache_key=MTM2MDY1ODY4MTQ4NTkwNjI5Nw%3D%3D.2
Source: lakako.com

http://jalan2.com/images/made/images/uploads/objek-wisata/_large/505e4d29000e64271f113eceafed8c5d_640_425_50_c1_c.j pg
Source: jalan2.com

Article Source: travel.kompas.com