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View Full Version : Honeymoon Beaches in Indonesia

03-12-2016, 16:31
The beach, this place has always been a tourist attraction for most people. This is because the beach has beautiful scenery. Honeymoon beach has always been an option for the newlyweds for their honeymoon. They usually choose their honeymoon on the beach because the beach offers a lot of nice things. Some of the nice things for example scenery that is offered on the beach can spoil the eye, both sunset, and sunrise, clear sea water, the waves are dancing beautifully, and also the white sand that is soft. From this visual beauty, the bride can walk together while enjoying the scenic beauty of the beach.

Other than that, a beach is also very suitable for a honeymoon because it has an atmosphere that can make honeymoon couples become relaxed. The fresh air, mild weather, and the sound of waves are able to eliminate your fatigue. To enjoy this, the newlyweds are usually sunbathing on the beach.

Not only for a refreshing, honeymoon couples will also be healthier if they make beach as their honeymoon destination. This is because sunlight (more effective at sunrise) contains vitamin D which is very good for the health of their body. So, a beach is not only used as a place to have fun but also as a place to keep their body healthy.

Speaking of the beach with all the benefits and its beauty for a honeymoon, in Indonesia itself, there are a lot of beaches that can be selected as a honeymoon destination for newlyweds. The beaches in Indonesia have the most amazing scenery, biodiversity of marine animals which are still very well preserved, mild weather and also people with a unique culture that exists around the beach. It makes you and your couple will have new experiences that you have never felt before. Moreover, beaches in Indonesia also have romantic sides that can make anyone fall in love with the place. In some beaches in Indonesia, you and your couple can do a romantic dinner on the beach with typical food which is very delicious, stayed at the hotel that directly overlooking towards the beach, and also walking together romantically with your partner while enjoying the sunrise and sunset.

Here are some recommendations of honeymoon beaches in Indonesia:

1. Pandawa beach

Pandawa beach is also called as a "secret beach" because the location of this beach is hidden behind the cliffs. Near this beach there are a lot of cliffs are overgrown with shrubs. Furthermore, this beach also has sculpture image of Pandawa (Yudhistira, Arjuna, Bima, Nakula and Sadewa). This beach has clean sand, clear sea water and the mild weather. Besides as a tourist attraction, the beach Pandavas is also used as a place for seaweed cultivation.

2. Nihwatu beach

Nihiwatu beach is a beach that is crowned as best beach in Asia. This is because this beach has a very clear sea water, clean sand and also the view at sunset is very amazing. The world-class surfers are also really liked this beach because the beach has a very good waves for surfing.

3. Pink beach

The beach which is located in East Lombok is one of seven beaches in the world that has pink sand. Because the unique color of the sand, this beach become a tourist destination by many people (whether it is a family vacation or a honeymoon). Pink beach, or Tangsi beach not only has a beautiful sand color but also have beautiful coral reefs.

There are a few tips if you want your honeymoon to be more enjoyable:

1. Do extreme things together.

A honeymoon is always associated with romantic thing. Once in a while do extreme things with your couple, for example, play banana boat, jet skis or other things that challenge your adrenaline on the beach where you honeymooned. It also aims to increase cohesiveness among couples.

2. Capture every moment that you do it together with your couple.

Every moment of with your couple must be very meaningful, whether it dinner together, walking the beach, or any other things are required to be remembered. Thus, capture the memories by taking pictures, write it in a diary, or locally bottled drinks that you've ever drunk with your partner must be kept. It is intended that these memories will not be easily forgotten.

After you know a few references about honeymoon beach, are you interested in visiting these places with your partner after the wedding? Indonesia is very rich in cultural diversity and its nature. By visiting tourist attractions that exist in Indonesia, you are indirectly involved in introducing existing tourist attractions in Indonesia in the eyes of the world. You can also give your honeymoon experience on those places by giving testimony and also share the results of your photos on this website, so, many other couples will know about the excitement of your honeymoon in those places.


13-01-2017, 17:35
Best places, so romantic if we are here with our love

04-12-2017, 18:35
Interesting!!! I will go there with my future husband!

12-04-2018, 19:07
That's sound interesting with me ! I want go to there !