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View Full Version : Telaga Biru, Tobelo, North Halmahera

08-09-2016, 16:43

Telaga Biru, a lake that situated in Mamuya Village, Galela District, North Halmahera is also popular as Galela lake. The name of Telaga Biru is taken because of the situation where the water is pure blue (Telaga Biru mean Blue lake). Urban legend has it that this lake was formed by the tears of a lady called Majojaru (Nona, Lady), that shed over the adversity that befell her lover named Magohiduuru (Nyong, Mister).

This lake has an area of approximately 250 hectares and is the largest lake on Halmahera Island. The name of Telaga Biru is suitable for this lake; because of this site has vey clear blue water with beautiful reflection of sunlight. This lake is located in the north Tobelo, a distance of approximately 25 km. From Tobelo we can reach for about 30 minutes by using a motor vehicle or speedboat from Kota Tobelo for 1 hour.

The lake water at this place is so clear and calm, so it is suitable for those who love fishing, swimming and boating. This lake is surrounded by green trees that make the atmosphere of the lake is cool and comforting. Morover, In the area around the lake is also provided benches and a small park, it is not so spacious but clean and well maintained and it can be used for rest from the visitors who come to this lake. This place is an ideal place for refreshing and unwinds from everyday activities, especially for those of you who like fishing; this place is perfect because there are various kinds of fishes. Boating around the lake is equally exciting, while paddling the paddle in the boat and enjoying the coolness and tranquility of the atmosphere of the lake. At one corner of this lake, the visitors can also enjoy the beauty of Mount Mamuya. Mount Mamuya is one of the largest mountains in the Cape Duma.

When afternoon comes, visitors can also enjoy a view of the sunset from this lake. Absolutely stunning!
This lake has a very important role for the surrounding communities, as people around is frequently use this pond as a place of living. The people around the lake are mostly farmers and others are made small fishing ponds around the lake.
Until now, the myth of the origin from this lake is still be discussed in the community. There are many young couples from Galela and Tobelo are coming to this lake for mutually binding their promise. As a sign of their bond, they will take water by using Cingacinga lake and then drink it together. The water remaining will normally be used to wash the feet and face as the meaning that there will be no more tears flowing from any binding promise and relationships.