View Full Version : Jikomalamo Beach, Ternate

30-08-2016, 16:46
If you are visiting Ternate, Jikomalamo is one of destinations that you will not missed to be visited. This white sandy beach that spans approximately 100 meters is located in a sheltered bay directly opposite to Hiri Island. For tourists who like to have privacy on the beach, this is the right place.

This beach has very clear water, just like a crystal clear that we can see coral reefs under the water. At the underwater bay area is dominated by hard coral, of course, is a paradise for those who love snorkeling and diving.

Jikomalamo, according to information is taken from the name of the township in Hiri Island, an island that located right in front of the bay. The location of Jikomalamo bay is near to Sulamadaha bay and still be on the island of Ternate, but because there are still no land access to Jikomalamo, so if you want to travel into the bay, you can only use speedboats with rental costs approximately Rp. 250 thousand for the shuttle.

Jikomalamo Beach is not yet recognized by many people, this beach is one of the best spots for snorkeling in Ternate. Here you can see the beauty of the underwater and see the rich coral reef. Keep honor the nature and not doing something harm to preserve the coral and the fishes.

Jikomalamo is a clean shore with white sandy beach that stretch approximately 100 meters long. Located in a sheltered bay directly opposite to the Hiri Island, making this Jikomalamo beach looks very beautiful.


http://lgindonesia.com/photocompetition/uploads/galeri/2201_pantai_jikomalamo_ternate_mahmuddin_muchammad .jpg

http://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s480x480/e15/11383312_1078370022191928_1429431410_n.jpg?ig_cach e_key=OTk5NDcwODU4NjUwMTgxMzQz.2

