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View Full Version : Bumi Perkemahan Ipukan, Relaxing Spot At Kuningan West Java

15-07-2016, 17:27

Bumi Perkemahan Ipukan is located in the hamlet TNGC Palutungan Cisantana Village district. Cigugur District. Kuningan, West Java, Buper Iukan is located at the foot of the mountain Ciremai brass elevation 1200 - 1400 meters above sea level with an area of ​​about 2 hectares. This seedling Buper travel selection is very fitted for vacation, because the campsite ( Buper ) offers coolness and beauty of the typical air foothills Ciremai.

Buper Ipukan is very suitable for outdoor activities such as camping or just want to breathe fresh air or eliminate the fatigue of travel buddy tablets, Buper seedling Brass there is also a waterfall which further adds to its appeal for vacation travel buddy there.


The entrance fee to this Buper Ipukan also really cheap, only Rp 3,500 per person, if you want to camp there costs Rp 10,000 per person. Rent a tent in seedling is also available. I still advised to stay there, because if you get up early the eyes of a traveler will be presented with a beautiful sunrise ga lose as sunrise in Dieng Sikunir ( will not regret ), this will make the vacation traveler the eyes of my friends more memorable and enjoyable.

Create a traveler who is planning a vacation to Buper seedling TNGC neighborhood, local people can take a traveler 's eyes elf or bus terminal Harjamukti 3/4 of Cirebon , Cirebon majors find public transportation to public transportation department Cigugur then further Palutungan or if my friends want complicated ga in this holiday , other alternatives could use a motorcycle taxi that went down in locations around the seedling Buper TNGC region.

vina ahmad
24-11-2016, 00:41
Pemandangan nya indah sekali

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