View Full Version : Jam Matahari Baron Technopark, An Attraction Spot Site in Yogyakarta

22-06-2016, 17:01

Jam Matahari has became one part of the media that is located in Baron Technopark Education Tourism Area, Planjan Village, District Saptosari, Gunung Kidul. The Jam Matahari is apparently the main attraction for people who come to visit. With Jam Matahari, we can read the time in a different way. In addition to Baron Technopark we can learn about alternative energy sources that can be utilized by humans.

Jam Matahari used as learning for students and visitors. The clock is used as a marker of time by relying on a towering giant clockwork challenging sunlight and produces a shadow. In principle, how to work the same hours of sun with a sundial (Jam Matahari) in everywhere, but he said that the sundial is in the Baron Technopark has its own advantages.

The sundial is located at the highest elevation in the region Baron Technopark. So to get there to go through footpaths uphill. It is expected with this position, the non-digital clock can catch a direct beam sunlight. How to work and how to read a sundial that is easy. The sundial is also equipped with roman numerals roman numerals which serves as a guide when the sun rays fall then cast shadows.

To be able to reach the location of this solar clock, visitors must passing through a footpath uphill because of its location at the highest elevation of Baron Technopark area.