View Full Version : Pulo Cinta Eco Resort, Gorontalo

26-05-2016, 09:47
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26-05-2016, 09:47
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23-06-2016, 15:54
Pulau Cinta or love Island is become more popular today in Gorontalo, since it been promoted in Festival Sail Tomini Boalemo few years ago.
Are you a newlywed and want to have perfect escape with your spouse? Then, celebrating your love together at this Island will be your best experience. Looking at the name that indicated the Love, the form of the Island is also unique, with a heart shape characterizing Love sign.

Cinta Island is located in Boalemo district, Gorontalo, approximately 2 hours drive from the city of Gorontalo. After arriving in the district, we can immediately drove to the District Tilamuta and seek the tourism site of Bolihutuo. Here, we can rent a boat service to cross to the Island of Love. It takes only 15 minutes and we are arriving at Pulau Cinta.

The island is very highly recommended for you who want to spend a honeymoon period, because it really deserted island and unpopulated. The most terrific thing is about the nature sightseeing that pamper you with bright warm sunshine and tropical nuance. There are only 15 unique resorts at this place. Those resorts will accommodate our need during the stay and enjoy the nuance of love.

22-01-2017, 11:19
can i take a pre-wed over there?