View Full Version : Smoke on The Surface of Ninivala Lake, Maluku

24-05-2016, 17:42

One of the most unique lakes in Indonesia, which is still a mystery named Lake Ninivala. Ninivala lake located in the village Piliana, District Tehoru, Regency of East Seram, Maluku Province. Ninivala lake, which is formed naturally is believed to be Air Houses, according to local people that symbolized through two trees that live in the puddle constantly in the middle of the lake.

Ninivala lake is one of the lakes winsome under Manusela foot of the mountain, the water bluish increasingly provide a natural touch for this lake besides the lake there is also a kind of evaporation on the surface of the water so that adds an exotic impression on the lake. So no wonder if the tourists are also often named as a lake in the clouds.

Pond/lake is located in the village Piliana Tehoru District of Central Maluku district, there are many exposed by people outside the District Tehoru. Of course, a touch of attention from both central and local government is expected able to make the areas Ponds Ninifala as a new tourist attraction in Central Maluku.

Piliana village has an altitude of 1,280 meters ( above sea level) is identified as the " village in the Clouds ". Very interesting natural charm. It is high enough cause almost every day this region swept thick clouds. Perhaps because of its location, also referred to as Pilianika Piliana in the local language means ' light '. Having reached the village of Piliana then you have to ask for permission first at local community leaders if you want visiting Lake Ninivala.

To get Ninivala Lake can be reached by walking less than half an hour from the Piliana village settlement. To reach this location, we pass paths are flanked by bushes and some river where the current is quite swift . On arriving at the scene, looks very stunning scenery. The path is surrounded shrubs it can deliver to the small lake that has a beauty that is extraordinary.

On the edge of the lake has built several walang - walang or Saung which can be used to rest and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Ninivala Lake. Saung was created by citizens Piliana independently. No charge at all to swim and play water in the lake is located in Maluku. However, you also need to keep the environment clean.