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View Full Version : Laguna Dodo, Lampung

16-05-2016, 15:58
http://pegipegi.com/attraction/T01632/8008_T01632_scontent_cdninstagram_com_hphotosxfp1_ t51_288515_e15_11189869_103833499948062_721705362_ n.jpg





16-05-2016, 15:58
Laguna Dodo is located approximately 3 km from Kiluan Island. To reach the location of Laguna Dodo is quite difficult and tiring. This tourist attraction is in the form of a natural pond that favored by those nature lovers. The visitors that come to visit this place are not only from Lampung, but also from outside Lampung.

If you want to enjoy a holiday here, you should bring food from home. Because at this location does not have adequate stall. To reach the Teluk Kilauan from the western part Lampung city, we passing interesting sight of its socio economic of tropical cities village that surrounded by jungle of rain forest.

Laguna Dodo is a natural swimming pool at the edge of sea salt water which is limited by a large rock that was not affected by exposure to the waves and it safe to swim just like in the quiet pool. It takes 2 hours walking to reach the pool from the parking lot, by passing the plantation that belongs to the local inhabitants. The route will be increasing up high and derivative steep road. We will meet Gayao beach that beautifully stunning. After 1 hour passing the steep rocky and slippery waterfront and passing the bamboo bridge, then we are arrive to the Dodo Laguna.

Dodo Laguna is administratively settled in around Kiluan Bay, which is located in Kulian Negeri Village, Kalumbayan sub-district, Tanggamus Regencym, South Lampung. The situation at Dodo Laguna bring the most comfortable nuance for the visitors. The not too salty water is suitable for those who are bathing in the pool and enjoy the shady trees, while chit-chat with friends or love one.